I'm trying to form a Demographic hypothesis about this 60Fps debate.
The reason I'm basing it on age is more about a persons shooter history. What you're played over the years and/or what you've gotten used to.
Yes there is a little bit about maturity (thought process and understanding game development, not necessarily behavioral) but that's a minor point I think and not completely valid.
This is not meant as a slight to anyone and I'm not asking to even post a reply if you don't want to.
I myself am in my upper 40's and 60Fps doesn't mean anything to me if the game would suffer performance because of it.
I've been playing shooters for over 17 years and I've taken place in many Beta tests and a few Alphas.
That is all just to say that I have some insight on development and prioritizing of dev strategy.
Just trying to understand the mentality.
EDIT: Well. If not a reply about what your demo is then maybe a bump to keep it on top ;-)
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Edited by michael: 6/26/2017 1:32:51 AM14 and can very easily tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps. going from 60 to 30 feels like slow motion. a few months ago when i got my xbox, i went on a bit of a destiny hiatus and spent all my gaming time on halo 5. this lasted about 2 months. around march i started playing destiny regularly again and the adjustment was horrendous. first couple games actually hurt my eyes.