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6/27/2017 7:44:50 AM
There's enough hand cannons going around right now as is. We don't need more than there is, in fact, the range needs to be lessened again so they can't out distance scouts. Rifled needs to go.

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  • Really? Can you list any handcannons being used right now that aren't an Eyasluna, Palindrone, or Last Word? Haven't seen anyone using a Water Star or Hawkmoon since the last nerf destroyed their viability at even mid range, and you're saying handcannons need another range nerf? Are you kidding me? This is obviously just your bias against handcannons.

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  • Edited by DiZ: 6/28/2017 4:17:52 AM
    Boruto's Grandfather confirmed? And where have you been seeing Last Word, except(and even then rarely) in Rumble? Or I should specify, people being [i]succesful[/i] with Last Word? Also including Thorn and Hawkmoon, because I haven't been killed, let alone shot, by either of those 2 guns in a long time.

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  • If someone is killing you with a handcannon at the range of a scout rifle then you just got out played. At scout rifle range handcannons don't compete. Getting rid of rifled or reinforced barrel would just kill the weapon type entirely. I also don't understand your comment below, saying that exotic handcannons need a buff, these were notorious for having alot of range and yet you're saying handcannons need less range.

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  • The scout rifle distance was a comparison to the amount of range they have based on the map design. And be honest, when's the last time you saw a hawkmoon or first curse?

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  • You cant out distance scouts with a handcannon bub. Not at all. If people are out shooting you from medium to long range with a handcannon you need to aim more properly. Anything more than 20 meters and the damage from my Ill Will goes down from 92 to 22. Thats a 70 point damage drop off

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  • And yet hand cannons are supreme in pvp right now. Because theyre easily spammable, 3 hit no matter what, and have range to where a pulse or an auto are rendered useless. Plus the game aims for you. If they lessen aim assist then you can say anyone's good at aim. Hand cannons dont need anymore buffs except the exotic ones.

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  • 3 hit if you get all headshots and it's the right archetype. Do your research.

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  • Edited by DiZ: 6/27/2017 11:48:28 AM
    Not 3 hit-no matter what, not even close(bar the 1 guy with Reactive Reload procced or Weapons of Light, and even then, not always the case). And the game "aims for you" on literally every single gun in this game if you're talking about aim assist/bullet magnetism. But not Hand Cannons(maybe even Autos) from too far. The dropoff to not only damage, but aim assisst is so severe at long-range that there may as well not be any. Edit: and they're supreme in PvP(as they've been since launch) because of LitC abuse and the fact that they let the best players [i]actually[/i] play the best they can, not because they're "spammamble". If you want to talk actual spamming, go back to the Doctrine of Passing and Clever Dragon/Grasp of Malok metas.

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  • Funny thing is. People dont realise doctrine does the damage it did before the nerf now. And nobody uses it. Because palindrome is so easy to use.

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  • Edited by DiZ: 6/28/2017 4:37:30 AM
    Palindrome and Hand Cannons in general are just better at rewarding good aim, movement, and positioning, as well as Palindrome often having a "god" or good enough roll from the vendor making getting a useble Hand Cannon easy, whereas that wasn't the case in Taken King. Hit all your shots(needing to vary headshots and/or bodyshots within Ranges that require 3 headshots or less) with a max Range Palindrome? Very good TTK. But miss 1 or 2(without accounting for LitC making up for it)? TTK skyrockets. Miss 1 or 2 shots of Doctrine? TTK is barely affected. As well as being much easier to control than constantly adjusting for recoil on the most commonly-used Hand Cannons, especially if crouch strafing is at all involved when done by people without Scufs/Elites. Palindrome ease of use? If we're talking about all-around easy to use primaries, then I'd say pre-nerf Clever Dragon was the easiest to use primary in Rise of Iron. Had virtually no recoil, fired fast enough to the point that it was almost full auto, and with it being a Pulse Rifle, it had uncontested range on all currently played maps. Also, because most had high-cal, your opponents also had more trouble hitting their shots on you beyond recoil compensation, which could make up for you not hitting all headshots for a 3-burst at the same time. But that's my opinion. I've never liked when spray weapons compete with precision weapons(not including snipers) in any multiplayer shooter I've played. Anybody's free to disagree.

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  • This is where im going to bring up the poor map design of it being primarily close quarters to where hand cannons still reign. The mostly longer distance maps have been taken out of rotation, so the map design sits mostly for hand cannons. Aim assist has been an issue for 3 years. The sheer amount of it is the sole reason as to why this game cannot be competitive. Maybe pc destiny 2, but not aim assist heaven it sits at currently. Hand cannons without rifled would be more balanced towards autos, where pulses and scouts should compete with one another. The aim assist on a hand cannon is an easy 3 hit kill where one will most likely hit the head. Hand cannons dont need a buff, dont know why there are still people complaining this late into the game.

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  • Edited by DiZ: 6/28/2017 4:22:54 AM
    I'm sorry, I wasn't aware Frontier, Widow's Court, and a few close-range maps that actually do have long sightlines were taken out of rotation as well. If a max-range Hand Cannon challenged someone on Anomaly from B-Ramp to Catwalk, they're not winning that ever if the other person has a ranged gun and thumbs. Heck, there are long sightlines on [i]every[/i] map. You just can't move around as much if you want to take advantage of them, which you already shouldn't be doing with a generic Scout Rifle. Edit: and Autos can never be good in this meta. The only way to make them viable weapons against someone skilled with burst or single fire weapons is to turn them into Machine Guns, and they obviously can't do that.

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