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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Aurora: 6/28/2017 1:39:22 PM

Will Destiny 2 Be A Success or Flop?

YES! This Game Will Be A Total Success


NO! The Game Is Def Going To Flop


IDK..It Feels Like Destiny 1.5 and Not A Sequel


Breaking The 4th Wall: Hey everyone! It's Reckless and I am back with another Poll of The Week question. I make these polls to get the Destiny Communities input/opinion then I share them with everyone on my Destiny YouTube Channel Breaking The 4th Wall. I do these videos every Thursday 1 week after the question is asked to give the community a chance to respond. I post a lot of the comments in the video whether good or bad because all sides need to be heard. So please be very creative with your comments and your responses because your comment just might get featured! I will post the link to the video next week after we get enough input from the community.

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  • This is my guess: Sales numbers will be slightly less than Vanilla Launch or around on par with those numbers. I don't think D2 will blow Vanilla sales numbers out of the water. I also think that even if D2 sales numbers break even, it will not represent the kind of grand success Bungie would want you to believe it is. Consider this: Vanilla's sales numbers consisted ENTIRELY of sales on two brands of consoles: PS and Xbox. D2 will launch on three platforms: PC, XBONE, and PS4. If they sell the same number of copies of D2 as they did Vanilla, it simply means that they lost sales to console players who effectively quit the game or didn't re-up, and they broke even by selling the game to PC users instead. To say this differently, they will have expanded the availability of the game to other players, but were unable to expand their total customer base. And of course, this begins to look far worse if sales numbers of D2 don't even break even with those at launch of D1. Will it be a success? I think it'll be a success with certain members of the communities: Players who are hardcore, super sweaty, ultra competitive PVP players will probably love the game. Casuals who just log on a couple of times a week to run a strike will probably love the game. But the results will likely be a big mixed bag of nuts for those who lie in between those two groups - and I would assert that those players make up a majority of the community. For those players and players like myself, D2 is just the same old shit, just a different package. They didn't separate PVE from PVP, they went out of their way to develop the game exclusively for PVP, and will only try to "make it work" in PVE, meaning PVE is going to be playing second fiddle, and PVE players will just have to do what they can to get by. This effectively means that the loot-n-shoot aspect of this game is effectively dead because anything that makes you feel powerful in PVE will wreck balance in PVP. And that is part of what attracted me to this game in the first place. Overall, I'm going to say that its going to be a whole lot of MEH. It'll be like Dragon Age 2. As a stand alone game, it was a decent game. But was it better than the original (Dragon Age Origins) - not even CLOSE.

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