It has become an act of bravery to support our president isn’t that crazy, and somehow the left pulled it off. What a world! Isn’t America in 2017 brilliant? Particularly brilliant because Donald Trump is president [i](and there is nothing they can do about it)[/i]. The media attention on him has just been insane. [i](the fake news media)[/i] And, I’ve noticed that we are coming up with new and exciting ways to troll the media all the time.
Today I am going to talk about why ugly people end up left wing. It is a truth, it really is. Please hear me out. I’m being serous. I know this post is packaged like a joke but this is real.
As a Victorian novelist [i](Jane Austen)[/i] put it, it is universally acknowledged that an ugly person is far more likely to be a feminist than a hot one. It is true, I’m not here to debate it. I want to talk a little bit about why that is, and how we can rescue our friends who we love. [i]It’s important to have ugly friends… for selfies. I have lots them[/i]. But, we want our ugly friends to be happy.
Not everybody can be as witty, talented, popular, athletic, charming, and beautiful as Trump supporters. And we want our visually challenged feminist brothers and sisters to have a happy life, because we are compassionate decent people us conservatives.
For those of you who have been blinded by the body positivity movement… Fat acceptance, are you kidding me? Let us first establish what we mean by a hot person. [i]<picture of me here>[/i].
They say people like me are dangerous. Good looks, wit, high verbal IQ and all of my other great talents are not enough on their own to make me dangerous. It’s my politics, I have the wrong opinions. “deplorable” opinions. That’s what makes me dangerous.
Did you see that meme? You know how you sometimes see things that you wish you had come up with? It’s like Donald Trump has already made 3 million fat woman exercise bla bla bla after only being president for like 3 days or something like that… lol. I wish I had come up with that one.
Anyway, now it is of course the people who are opposed to me that are the people who are actually dangerous. I’m not really dangerous, I call myself dangerous and deplorable as a sort of joke. You know, as a sort of acknowledgment of the lunacy of the left. Of their instance on muddying the line between ideas and action. Between opinions and violence.
They do this because they want to legitimatize their own brattish responses. They want to legitimatize their own version of throwing the toys out of the stroller. They want to make violence a legitimate reaction to my differing political opinion.
Because, if they can muddy those waters by introducing phrases like “safe space”[i] <eye roll>[/i]. If they can convince you that some words represent a threat to your safety, then they legitimize their own violent responses to ideas. The left has given up pretending that they believe in free speech.
We have been told that we can’t misidentify peoples gender now. Something truly terrifying, oh no! "Now, now we mustn’t mis-gender people. It’s very rude." We have been told if we do then we are hateful, misogynistic, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, bigots who deserve to burn in hell. …they think I’m the weirdo? [i]<picture of Caitlyn Jenner>[/i]
Of course, it’s not just keyboard warriors, there is so much violence precipitated by the left. The left has given up pretending that they care about free speech. Now what it does is convince you that it is ok to hit Naz!s. On the face of it that sounds alright. I mean I sort of care because I don’t like to see anyone in pain.. but if you got to punch anyone let it be the Naz!s am I right? But you see, they persuade you that it’s ok to punch , then they call EVERYONE Naz!s.
So this is their new strategy. Make no mistake the left really will not think twice about becoming physically violent to you or me over our ideas. Buy the way, oil is flowing through the Dakota access pipeline… Better luck next time nerds.
But really, I’m here to talk about something far more interesting… ME. Specifically, about why ugly people hate me and why they hate you too. Now this could have been a very short post because the answer is in fact quite simple. They hate me because I am beautiful and because I tell the truth. They hate me because I occasionally like to challenge people. To make them laugh, to make them think, even to make them uncomfortable at times.
I'm not reading that wall of text, m8.