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Edited by 2fresh2bkilled: 7/5/2017 5:10:08 PM

What's the Lore behind your Guardian?

Not how they got to where they are, but they story you have created over the span of Destiny's lifespan. Is your Guardian a protector or are they a warrior, seeking battle everywhere. I'm interested in seeing what stories people have made over the years.

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  • Amongst the denizens and protectors of the tower, stories are told about a enigmatic entity who they call "The Gunblader". Guardian accounts who have seen her state seeing a Hunter clad in brilliant white, donning a red hawk on her back and piercing golden eyes when she aims at her prey. Rumours are varied, but some say she has indescribable power and speed. Charging head on into entire armies of the darkness and laying waste to them in ways that entire fireteams thought have impossible. Regardless of the accuracy, they all state that she is never seen using a large weapon like a sniper rifle or rocket launcher. But rather she achieves victory with nothing more than a pair of crimson pistols, a large blade and a deep command of all 3 elements of the light. Some dismiss her as nothing more than a fantasy, a story or even a joke. But the lucky few that have witnessed her power and grace on the battlefield know that there is so much more.

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  • My first montage was literally a story like this. I only started making them because I was mad about all the people complaining. I decided to not change because other couldn't. Instead explored the subclass to every possible build and more. I then made montages as I changed build and the game changed. This is a more recent one. I have made more builds since. Last and best montage coming soon =)

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  • My Awoken Titan was one of the few who chose to fight the coming darkness at the Vestian Outpost instead of the last defense of the traveler. Whereupon he attempted destroy an enemy ship via ship-to-ship transfer by means of Fist of Havoc. He misjudged the gap... After flying all the way to earth in Gorilla smash mode, he made landfall into an overpass on a highway near the cosmodrome and as a result of the sudden stop, died.

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  • my guardians dont remember their lives cuz they were dead.. the hunter was my original main and is very brave and wants to stay and fight (new monarchy) the Warlock was my main in yrs 2-3.. shes smart and thinks the traveler is dead and wants to leave( dead orbit) the titan i made when i was bored of the other 6 subclasses, had too much time, and was suffering from completionistism 😂 ive never bothered thinking up lore about him, so i say hes secretive and we know little about him( future war cult) %^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^ extra lore.. i originally had three male characters, the titan belonged to my brother and was very ugly. i thought no gear looked good on my (currently male) Warlock and looks/customization is like one of my fav parts of the game.. so i deleted my Warlock and was messing around in the character creation and ended up with a pretty female i really liked the Warlock face tho.. so when i moved to titan i deleted the one before and gave him the face i had made.. if destiny ever added a face changing thing it would have saved me much grinding on subclasses 😂 shoulda had one you could do with silver!

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  • My exo is a Titan that isn't sure why he was created or why the Traveler chose him. What he [i]does[/i] know, is that for some reason, defending the Last City feels like the right thing to do. He feels most at home with a rifle in hand, doing whatever it takes to keep the City safe. There's no knowing for sure exactly what purpose he was created for... but fighting the Darkness, following the Vanguard, it feels [i]right.[/i] He knows he was born to fight for a cause. The Traveler is a cause worth fighting for. He has a quiet contempt for the Dead Orbit and their flowers, because they entertain the idea of leaving the Home he's been working so hard to defend. He has a great respect for Commander Zavala, Lord Shaxx, and Lord Saladin. He is honored to be numbered with the Titans, and to be able serve with and learn from with such great warriors and leaders. Because of this, he wears the red and white of New Monarchy- quietly hoping that Commander Zavala will someday give in to their petitions for him to serve as the Monarch. He's gonna be [u][i][b]PISSED[/b][/i][/u] about Gary. Losing the Tower, his Ghost, and the Hammer of Sol all on one day will RIP him apart. I'm stoked for D2!

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  • My three guardians died on a regular basis. End of story.

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  • Edited by SwiftTheWolf597: 7/6/2017 7:28:16 PM
    My titan. She has been wandering alone her whole life, fighting, dying and conquering. Before she was blessed by the traveler, however, she was a simple housewife, who was conscripted to help defend the cosmodrome. She fell when a stray bullet from one of her comrades struck in the back of the head. Only to be risen once more to fight again.

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  • My guardian is a warrior, always at the front of the line in any raid group, to provide the rest of the weak hunters with a meatshield. Titans dont need a meatshield lmao but if they die they die. I can just self res, so im always risking for reward.

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  • My Warlock use to sell women's shoes, and was married with 2 kids. Also he scored 4 touchdowns in one high school game...

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  • 1

    Barely hanging on - old

    It's a bloody game, get a life!

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    16 Replies
    • My hunter is a lone Bladedancer roaming the wild in the search of true power (in the form of pole dancing)

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    • My Hunter is a Human searching for justice in a lawless frontier. My Titan is an Exo searching for purpose after a bygone era. My Warlock is an Awoken searching for knowledge to understand the universe.

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      • I made my warlock look like the lost prince so it would be funny they meet in the reef

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      • My hunter got a bit drunk one night (he’s an alcoholic) and then the next day he woke up as a guardian. Might’ve died and was reborn as a guardian, who knows.

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      • Well, If there's any lore behind my Guardian, it would be stuff that I've done in game. Let's see....The Lore of Asrael 179: He's A human Hunter that likes to be up close in a fight; using hand-cannons, shotguns, machine guns, and swords... despite the fact that his preferred subclass is the Gunslinger. To keep things brief I'll just share one of his stories; one about his early days in the Crucible. When it comes to the Crucible, Asrael's pretty average. Sometimes he'll win, sometimes he'll lose. But that isn't to say he doesn't have his moments. In one Skirmish match on Firebase Delphi, he faced off against a well coordinated fireteam that was, to put it bluntly, crushing him and his team. Keep in mind, this match was before the Mercy Rule was a thing; the score difference got so bad that one Guardian on Asrael's team gave up and left mid match. Victory for the opposing team was all but assured. But then, heavy ammo was inbound. With the help of his remaining teammate, Asrael was able to get to one of the crates before the other team could. Then he thought to himself, "Wait... I just nabbed the crate that the other team was going for. What about the other one?" In that moment, Asrael made a beeline to the remaining heavy crate and grabbed that one as well. With a fully loaded Zombie Apocalypse Asrael was able to stand his ground, mowing down any guardian in his sights. Eventually he was taken down buy a fusion grenade, but not before taking fifteen kills with him, gaining the lead, and making one guardian quit out of frustration. From then on it became an even match until the time was up. By the end of it all, in spite of the disadvantages, Asrael and his team came out on top. Suffice it to say, Asrael 179 felt pretty -blaming- good that day.

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      • This is a really good post. My guardians have lore tied to their creation and style. Here it is: Hunter : Male awoken living in the jungles and hunting wildlife. He used to serve the Awoken leaders as a mercenary sent alone to finish treasure hunting and assassination missions with little to no success.Imagine his character being a mix of Star-Lord and Cayde-6 born and raised in a world similar to Avatar.He died in a treasure hunt but since he was never satisfied with his accomplishments, his soul could not rest and this could be the reason why the ghost found him and resurrected him to serve a greater purpose. Warlock : Male Human fascinated with science, magic and the manipulation of time.His character could be best described as the scientist version of Samuel Jackson. He was a special historian because with his inventions he could relive every planets history in seconds through a time-warp. With his time-manipulation techniques, he met the Vex and saw all their devious plans. In an attempt to change history and preserve humanity's future he fought the Vex in their dimension and lost (hence the different colored eye and face scar as wounds of the magic war). Scarred for life he was resurrected as protector of humanity by the Traveller and the ghost with only one goal, to wipe the Vex from the face of the Universe. Titan : Exo male , surprisingly enough he was a Sweeper Bot , a servant in the tower and a loyal follower of the faction leaders.He worked for many years without experiencing love or gratitude until the day that his production line would be discontinued and replaced due to its primitive AI. However, his AI was different and more advanced as it kept learning from human interactions.He managed to organize a small revolution that got shut down by the vanguards early on.He fled in order to survive and spent several years harnessing his powers.His raw strength and willpower to be as strong as his former overlords led him into the path of the titan. Many years later he returns to the Tower, accepted as a potent Titan while nobody knows his origin since he managed to upgrade every part of his skeleton over the years. His hatred and thirst for revenge remain, making him a villain who plots the destruction of the Traveller and the death of humanity. (He performs several subtle actions to kill guardians such as teasing them by throwing the ball off the tower, and kicking them in the face with Peregrine Greaves)

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      • My OG Titan who was a human I gave him a purple blind eye because i thought of the idea that void energy almost killed him

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      • Edited by KierroYuy: 7/3/2017 6:09:36 PM
        My Awoken Warlock (I know it's an EXO, but I use due to voice and salute emote, not look. To me he's an Awoken) is a protector and scholar for the Reef as a whole. The Reef is his home. He values knowledge, and wants to learn as much as he can about his people; Their origin, why are they the way they are, and what can he do to strengthen them. With no Queen to lead the Awoken, he votes for Prince Uldren to take the throne. He believes Uldren can bring the Awoken back from their failed assault on Oryx. If he was able to, he'd die for the Reef.

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      • Mine still wonder what the [b]f[/b]uck happened to everything. TTK dropped and they all got weak as shit.

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      • My Warlock has always struggled with the morality of being a mindless, deathless, voiceless (apart from a couple of Y1cut-scenes) zombie and is planning to retire to a renegade Shinto colony on a far-flung planetary system, to focus on gardening, teaching and meta-physics after the D2 beta. Hunter is also in a similar frame of mind. She will join her friend the Warlock and study planetary ecology and forsake all mechanized technology in favor of her wits, a bow and knife and use her ghost as a recording device for data whilst gathering and analyzing data on local flora and fauna, climate and geology. They will meet frequently; share research and a drink or two, and a few laughs over how ridiculous their previous lives were... My Titan will continue to punch things and wait endlessly while her Raid companions engage in a publicly aired domestic dispute, in lfg groups...for hours...and hours...

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        • I'm here to chew bubble gum and blow stuff up. luckily people keep throwing away perfectly good gum in the Tower so I never get to leave.

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        • Take the lore tag away dear, you even acknowledged that this isn't cannon so go through with it.

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          4 Replies
          • My guardian is known as the only hand cannon user to understand braced frame is better than rifled barrel.

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            • My Hunter is an exo, he doesn't remember what he was originally made for. Now he has a large interest in mastering everything that's put before him, his powers as a hunter and every new gun he finds(he loves creating new fighting styles... They only sometimes work). This has created a large drive to collect interesting weapons. Because of this he mainly works alone but has a few friends to call on when he needs them to help him collect a new piece... He will soon have an intense drive to destroy Gary.

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            • My Warlock will be known as the only Warlock who ran Song of Flame

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            • My Warlock is a Vex-obsessed maniac who spends hours on Venus. Somehow still sane enough to not go mad whenever a Phalanx launches him to orbit or an Ultra Grunt puts a cage around the Giant White Ball. My Titan is a typical Guardian... My Hunter is just there.

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