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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/2/2017 1:57:57 AM
"...G-Get Isaac. Use this.. if you can." Arianna gulped, handing over the orb of blood. With her own blood clotted, well.. Arianna didn't need to worry, as long as the spike wasn't removed without being treated. She had begun to clot her other wounds, ensuring that she'd stay put for a while.

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  • Lilly stared confused at the blood as she hovered it over her hand. But all the same, she nodded to Arianna. "Alright then, I'm going to use a spell to put you under." Lilly told her. "When will she wake up?" Scarlett asked Lilly. "A little after I am done treating her wounds...but I need to get to work on Isaac and f-fast!" Lilly told the red haired woman.

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  • Arianna stiffened, groaning painfully as she nodded. "U-Understood. Please... h-hurry." Odd, Ari thought: she was relying on a young girl to save her life, and Isaac's life too.

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  • "I'll see what I can do!" Lilly told Arianna. The girl raised her hand up to Arianna's forehead, and the vilebloods vision went blurry until she blacked out. Isaac woke up to what sounded like an explosion. His body was sore, but he felt surprisingly well. Then, the memories came back. He had been fighting off the dead when he collapsed, and the familiar thirst came over him as he went into a coma. But now he was awake...and he was feeling better. As he looked around however he saw Haakon and Scarlett both fighting off a horde of the dead, and as he looked to his left he saw that the throne room was... Well, the door was gone and destroyed. The walls had collapsed, and to his left far at the back of the throne room a blood red portal churned in the sky above the now open roofed castle. The broken walls are what separated the boy from the throne room, but in front of her the ashen haired girl Lilly knelt, surprised that he had woken up. But then he recognized her. She was a Coldbourne... And his sister was laying unconscious beside him....

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  • Isaac's initial reaction was his eye twitching. As the noises and dreadful sounds of the vampiric monsters rang in his ears, he crawled over to Arianna, shaking his head. "A-Ari.." He muttered. When he received no response, he returned his gaze to Lilly, worried sick about the portal and wherever Felix had gone. He didn't know what had happened.. "L-Lilly.." He spoke worryingly, rising up and checking his gear: just a kurigasama and his shielding, and.. a sphere of blood. "...What h-happened? Is she...?"

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  • "She's unconscious!" Lilly told Him as the two warriors finished their killing of the dead. Both turned to Isaac. "Boy! You're awake!" Haakon said. "Now it's time for you to do some heavy lifting!" "Give him a break Haakon." Scarlett said as she rolled her eyes. "Isaac, it's good that you're with us again. But we need to stop Felix and your sister won't be able to do that right now!" "I still need time to treat her!" Lilly said. "But my brother needs help! He followed Felix into that...thing! I don't know what happened!"

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 7/2/2017 2:45:02 AM
    "...Okay. [i]Okay[/i]." Something took root within the teenager, at that moment - a sense of pride, an undeniable thirst for vengeance for his sister. Isaac nodded his head furiously, the blood ball transferring around his right arm as he nodded at the three among him. "Thank you. All three of you." He sighed, nodding his head slowly. "...This is it, then?"

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  • "Well if you think you are doing this alone, think again." Scarlett told Isaac. "I'm gunna help you take down this bastard." Suddenly, the massive door to the castle [i]banged![/i] as if something very large, or many little things, were behind it. "Ah shit." Haakon said. "We are gunna have to hold this hall still it looks like! So here's what we're gunna do! I'll stay here and protect the little Alexander heal your sister! Meanwhile you go with Scarlett to kill Felix?! You understand all that boy?!" Haakon asked Isaac.

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  • "Yes. I.. I got it. ...Thank you, all. Haakon.. fight well, you crazy Celtic bаstard. Lilly, stay safe and focused.. tell Arianna that I love her. Scarlett... let's go kick Felix's ass back to hell." Isaac nodded towards Scarlett one last time, before heading towards the churning portal..

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  • Isaac heard Haakon chuckle as he walked away, Scarlett by Isaac's side. They walked through the throne room which was coated in blood, burns, ice marks and fire. Up ahead was the portal, and the two stopped in front of it. "Ready Kid?" Scarlett asked him.

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  • "...Yeah. Terrified, but.. ready." Isaac breathed in, nodding his head: his heart was pumping, his very being filled with strength. The blood upon the floor trailed to his being, as he proceeded to enter the portal, looking back at Scarlett one last time - before descending after Felix..

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  • He felt like his entire body was torn apart and put back together as he was thrown to the ground and felt surface underneath him. As he looked down he saw that he was kneeling on stone brick, but rather then sand or mortar filling the cracks a dark black liquid did. Isaac saw Scarlett land beside him on her feet, and she looked ahead with wide eyes. As Isaac looked ahead he saw Cain, leaning on his spear with blood seeping out from his armour. And in front of him, the vampiric creature that was Felix. Skeletal like wings had sprouted out from his back and he extended them as he dashed towards Cain and slashed, which sent the man flying back and falling on his back. Felix was coated in blood. There were dozens of slashes across his body and a dark black blood that seeped out from his arms, legs and torso. He had multiple stab wounds as well, and some sections of his body looked like they had been torched to be bone. Felix looked towards the newcomers, particularly Isaac. "Well, look who it is. The inadequate boy wonder. What a treat." Felix insulted Isaac.

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  • "Hey there, Frankenstein.." Isaac muttered, smiling a little at the bloodied, beaten body of Felix, twirling his weapon as he merely studied the battlegrounds: it had gone to hell, yet he had came around at a decent time. This was a David and Goliath situation, but.. Isaac was confident. He was used to beings that were larger and stronger than him, if anything.

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  • "Frankenstein huh? He looks more like a Dracula fan to me." Scarlett remarked. "Shut up you insolent fools!" Felix insulted. "I am done talking to both of you. Words will not save you and I shall feast upon you as I turn you into thralls of my making!" Cain stumbled up. Isaac saw that the man was bloodied and wounded, but he twirled his spear nonetheless. " will have to take on all three of us, monster." Cain told his brother.

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  • With his own vigor restored, Isaac took to circling around Felix, hoping that Cain would do the heavy hitting in the fight while he could finish the job with sudden, lethal strikes to Felix's back. He stayed on the outskirts of the arena, hoping to either draw Felix into a corner, or that Cain would begin the assault. As for Scarlett.. he didn't know.

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  • [spoiler][/spoiler] Scarlett pointed her blade at Felix and a gun shot fired from her blade. An explosion of blood chunked out of Felix's shoulder and he roared as he suddenly took off after her. However, Cain stepped in the way and bashed Felix back. The vampire slashed at Cain with both his claws but Cain brought his spear up and blocked the claws, but he was brought to his knees.

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  • Once Isaac was behind Felix, he swung his chain at Felix's heel, the bladed head of his weapon flung towards Felix's leg and attempting to slice it open.

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  • The blade cut across the creatures leg and blood spewed out. Felix let out a cry as he turned his head to Isaac. Cain reeled back but then thrusted forward, but Felix's wind smacked back and hit the warrior which sent him flying back. Felix flew at Isaac, closing the gap in less then a second as he slashed at Isaac with both his hands with a vertical slash.

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  • Isaac raised his left arm to block, as Felix's claws met Arcane shielding and were burnt and smoldered by the vibrant blue energy. Isaac brought his right arm back, a drill of blood spinning around his arm as he slammed his encased fist into Felix's gut.

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  • Felix shifted his body to the right and the drill shot past him. He roared as he slashed across Isaac's face, and the smack sent the boy flying back and sliding across the ground. Then, electricity went across the vampires long figures, sparking to life.

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  • Isaac managed to hook himself to the ground, blood issuing from his face aa he stood up. The blood returning to circulate around him, it formed into a spear-like shape, waiting to be propelled towards Felix.

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  • Felix however had a different plan. The creature raised its hands up, and a stream of electricity shot out towards Isaac. It was bright an blue and covered the distance between the two incredibly fast.

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  • The previous Hunter had no choice but to roll to the side, catching himself as he ran from the bursts of lightning. He steadily came closer to Felix, though not in lunge distance.

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  • Felix continued his lighting barrage, until suddenly another gun shot rang out. A bullet pierced through the vampires chest. He reeled forwards as he turned around and saw Scarlett who had her blade aimed at him. He ignored Isaac then, and flew towards Scarlett and over his brother who was just now getting up. Felix brought one of his claws down on Scarlett and she brought we blade up to block the strike, but Felix then brought his other hand around and lunged towards her lower torso. She saw this however and jumped back, but Felix caught her by impaling the front of her left calf. She let out a scream as this happened.

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  • As Felix's back was turned, Isaac allowed his stream of blood to be shot to him - the stream became a sharpened, jagged edge, like a massive red spear, shooting towards Felix's back.

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  • Felix turned as the attack shot towards him and he smacked the spear with his free hand as he tore his other hand from Scarlett's calf. He wacked the spear out of the way as he stood in between Scarlett, on his left. Cain on his right. And Isaac on his twelve o'clock. Cain stood up and twirled his spear as Scarlett got to her feet.

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