I'm just interested in the numbers here really as I'm genuinely surprised by how salty the forums are over what, for me and most people in my clan, is a complete non-issue.
Yes and No. True is that no one can complain that he never got a god roll weapon and all the specific guns in the game are all the same and like bungie already posted the nerfs and buffs take effect only on the specific gun and dont change the whole gun archetype. But in my eyes we all loose the hype for the grind wich is i think really important in this game.We all were playing to get a ,,GOD ROLL" weapon or a T12 GEAR.Even after 3 year i grind for a god roll LUNA.In D2?I get a gun,if it is good i play it if not i put it in the vault and thats all. I know its sometimes frustrating and it drains our mind but this was a point in the game that was keeping us to play it in hope to get something better.And now we are loosing this so i hope that we dont discover all the stuff after 2 months and after this time there will be nothing to play for.