.5 250 elo
looking for 2.5+
for flawless bounties
Looking for the kids that have only seen pussy in Tom and Jerry
And has seen as much of the outside world as a fetus.
I'm a sweat bro
My week consist of primarily sweating in Destiny.
Even when i'm not sweating in game i'm still sweaty.
But that could however, be due to the fact there's no AC in my mother's basement.
Oh i also haven't showered in a week.
But don't worry i bathe in the tears of casuals.
Not that this game takes much skill to....oh my bad i digress.
Feel free to message me.
90% of the time i will ignore your messages.
Not because i look at you as less than a human being by every .05% your kd is lower than my requirements.
No i'm just preoccupied in a game
Usually I'll be busy finger -blam!-ing my bumpers or really any button i can press to use an ability of some sort.
But who really knows my status is offline.
If not i'm probably comparing the size of my stats to yours cause it makes up for me lacking a.....nother game to gain a superiority complex over.
But all jokes aside i know there are some of you that have difficulty going flawless.
I just last week started and manage to go twice.
And i know some of you have never got that chance,
Unlike the stat whores on here i value that sherpa badg....i mean you.
But seriously add me @ Rigur i'm not a Destiny god ,far from it.
But the game's pretty shit so i don't feel too bad.
I'll attempt a run but no guarantees.
Meaning we'll probably get bodied game three by Nicolas and his team of noodle dick dannys
But i like to help as much as i could because there are a lot of nice people that deserve a chance to get to the light house at least once before Destiny II.
:p ;D
May be post of the year. Grats!