I'm posting to offer help to guardians who need a hand with a mission/quest/strike/task. If you need help - please come follow my Twitch channel at: https://www.twitch.tv/the_flipsid3
Post/comment in my Twitch chat if you need help with a mission/quest/strike/task and if I'm free I'd be happy to assist or ensure you're next on the list for help! I do help with raids but only on designated nights and I only carry one person at a time to avoid complications.
I'm on weekday evenings from 10/11pm CST until 2/3am CST. You can also follow me on twitter at: @_FLIPSID3 to get updates as to when I'll be on/streaming. So come join Flip Nation and get some help with the tasks you're working on! Everyone welcome!
Destiny has 4 subforums dedicated to it. #Gaming is dedicated to discussing games other than Destiny. Your thread is currently a Destiny LFG thread. The proper place for such a thread would be #Recruitment. Please edit your thread's tags so that it's in the #Recruitment subforum instead of #Gaming.