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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/6/2017 3:38:44 AM
[i]"Great, your fire attracted the attention of a goddamn army. Thanks a bunch, Cael."[/i] Roxy pulled her sword sheathes off, dropped them on the ground, and grabbed the claymore off her back, setting that beside her other weaponry as well. Meanwhile, Cael sighed, rolled his eyes at his sister, and laid his staff on the ground, following Roxy's example. They would obviously stand no chance against a military, and so the only logical option was surrender. They both raised their hands into the air; in truth, their antics generally attracted much military attention, and they were more or less used to the procedure. As they raised their arms, more details about them became apparent. Cael's arms were decorated in elemental runes, clearly in black ink. Magical symbols of fire, electricity, all forms of water, and many aspects of earth could be seen in the patterns of these runes. Roxy, too, had runes; they could be just barely seen through her tank top, completely drenched with blood. There were dozens that were crudely carved into her stomach, abdomen, and chest via knife. And they were bleeding rather heavily, further saturating the tank top. With their hands in the air, Cael spoke up; he wasn't trying to talk his way out of arrest, as that would only put them in deeper shit, but simply wished to say something. [i]"Before interrogation, I'd like to make something clear; this village was not full of the innocents they may seemed to have been."[/i] With that, he lapsed into silence.

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  • "Interrogation? The -blam!-? When did I give off the vibe that you guys are getting interrogated? I'm tossing you guys in Space Guantanamo." That was around the time that Treyman lowered his gun and brought his hand to the side of his head. One of his men had found s security room for the town and watched a couple of the tapes. Appalled by what he had heard, Treyman mumbled something about a knee wound and gunshots rang out across the city. With that, he looked to Roxy and Gael with a look of curiosity beneath the mask. "Who sent you, a PMC? Government?"

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  • [i]"We currently take orders from nobody, if that's what you're asking."[/i] Cael responded, still keeping his hands in the air. He wasn't saying it as though they were some kind of vigilante duo; in fact, it was doubtful that they had even massacred the place for the reason that the Legion might have seen on tape. The mage looked over his shoulder at his sister, who was gazing passively at Treyman, unsure of what was going on; whether they were being arrested, shot down, or what. And so, her sky blue pupils periodically darted around the village, searching for an escape route if it came down to it.

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  • Treyman took note of the woman's passive eye movements and shifted his gun's barrel slighty so that it was more on her side, though he masked it with a shift from him bringing the hand down to his side to make it look like a natural movement. He did trust that they did all of this for good reason, as his men saw something on the tapes, he just didn't trust that a killing frenzy that large was simply the result of a few vigilantes. "Why'd you do it? Vendetta, justice?"

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  • What the men saw on the tapes were multiple rather... horrifying sights, not for the faint of heart. It was a recording of the village plaza, a week before–a feast of some sort. A feast with naked woman holding silver platters above their heads... and on the silver platters, infants. Human infants, limp and lifeless. The bodies of these babies were placed into a single, absolutely massive pot, which was placed over an even larger fire... and they were cooked. Afterwards, they were slowly eaten by the adults of the village, while those under eighteen were used horribly; as sexual pleasure for the people feasting upon human flesh. Another tape showed the same area on a different date, at a different time; midnight. Men and women stood in a circle, around a demonic-looking, red rune. More dead babies were placed within this circle, and the men and women began chanting. They continued to chant on into the night, and by morning... they had all died, and the babies in the circle had become half demon, half human... things. The list of horrors goes on, but the men likely got the gist of it by then. Meanwhile, it was Roxy who replied to Treyman. [i]"Why we did it? Well, as a brief summary.... This village has been confirmed to have connections to a certain group of people. That group of people has kidnapped a couple of people that are close to us, and so we came here for information. With this group, information is only ever revealed to the most important; in this case, the town elder. Everybody else was a minuscule pebble to be kicked aside, the freaks of nature.... Well, the elder had nothing for us, and here we are now."[/i] Cael did not seek to have any disagreements with Roxy's explanation, remaining silent.

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  • "[i]Void help us... Centurion, take the Auxillaries and take any helpful data from the village. After that, report to the Crusader and prepare the Cleaner Cannon." Treyman shouted to his men in the village as he stowed his rifle on his back once more. He started to slowly walk away from the village, beckoning for Cael and Roxy to follow him with a hand motion as an NTR transport ship touched down nearby. He stepped into the back and took a seat on one of the vessels inner chairs, before the rest of his team boarded after a few moments. The door remained open for Roxy and Cael to enter, though they always had the option to walk off if they so decided to. [/i] [spoiler]Choice: A) Follow Treyman (continue interaction) B) Walk away (end interaction) [/spoiler]

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  • Cael turned to look at his sister with an inquisitive expression on his face. Roxy shrugged, nodded, and the mage sighed. They turned to face the transport ship, beginning to walk over. They quickly boarded the ship, looking around at its interior, before Cael looked to Treyman. [i]"Where might you be taking us?"[/i] He asked. He was, or course, assuming custody, but they hadn't yet been cuffed, so he was curious.

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