Welcome To Our Post. This Is Where You Will Find Great Players To Help You Get To The Promise Land Known As 'THE LIGHTHOUSE'.
[b]Note:[/b] A Good Fireteam For This Event Is One That Consists Of Good Teamwork And Communication.
If You Are Seeking A Good Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris Then Post Your Information Below.
-Gamertag: DynastyXSnipeZz
-Class And Subclass: Hunter | Bladedancer
-Light Level: 400
-Weapons: (Not Entirely Important)
-Skills: Great Sniper/ Communicator
Please Like This Post So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future, And Hopefully It Will Help Make It Easier For Everyone To Find A Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris.
(The Star= Like Button)
Clan Members Will Always Be Chosen First For Trials Of Osiris To Get A Flawless.
[b]Youtube Channel:[/b] Youtube.com/c/dynasty2106
[b]Twitch Channel:[/b] https://m.twitch.tv/dynastyxsnipezz?sr=a
All The Best And Good Luck in Trials!
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
Just beed one with a 1.2+ Kd and 1600+ Elo add trixdude
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
Need 2 for trials. First come first serve. Add name as above.
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
Need 1 chill NON salty kiwi/Aussie for connection purposes for some shits and giggles trials add nuske06 must have a hot sister and mother with big lips ;)
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
Need 1 diamond
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
I have less then 2 weeks to go flawless. Will someone help me get to the lighthouse for the first time please
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
Trials carries msg on psn for more info
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
Carries all night!!!!!! JUST GOT AFFILIATED ON TWITCH FREE CARRIES EVERY WEEKEND 10 HOURS A DAY! 2MINS! TILL WINNER STREAMING ALL DAYY need one message acid_mindstate checking stats, https://www.twitch.tv/acid_mindstate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Live now!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RAFFLE IS CLOSING SOON! CHECK ME OUT Free lighthouse carries! JUST HIT 1300 FOLLOWERS! UP AND COMING STREAMER! BE APART OF THE ACID WAVE! 126CARRIED IN YEAR 3 44LIGHTHOUSE VIRGINS 43 SCARABS All you have to do is follow the Twitch account above and type !ticket to join the raffle you must be following the channel and have 100 !coins you get 10 coins per minute and 10 coins when you follow, Goodluck Guardians !GIVEAWAY at 1500 followers for !Regulars !multi Multitwitch.tv/acid_mindstate/f3ar_l3w If you`re interested in doing !multi to share followers add me psn:acid_mindstate Must have at least 500 followers.!!!!!!!!g
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM
⭐️Trials of Osiris | Free Carries ⭐️ You can get a chance at a free carry this weekend by following these steps! [u] [b]1) Follow the Channel![/b] [/u] [b]www.twitch.tv/terrorfraud[/b] [u] [b]2) When we're live, type !ticket in chat.[/b][/u] You can get a bonus 5% chance of winning the next raffle you enroll into, by following us on Twitter! www.twitter.com/terrorfraud Terror goes live throughout the week, but during Trials the schedule is... Friday : 6PM - 10PM Central Saturday : 6PM - Very Late Sunday : 1PM or Earlier - 10PM Monday : 6PM - 10PM