Hi, I'm here to talk to you about of one of the most valuable traits of soldier or student can have, Patience. Sometimes Patience is the key to victory, sometimes it leads to very little, it seems like its not working and you wonder why you waited so long for something so disappointing.
Edited by Psyperactive81: 7/16/2017 5:47:33 AM[REDACTED}
Reference My head
The Speaker is a different person and then again I'm just saying that duck is a joke now and it's not even that good but it's okay to be a good friend and then I don't like you but you are so cute and I love your wife.
[b] [/b]
Literally the best moment of the movie.
And time
There must be a reference here that I'm missing
Patience and Time
How many more of these we got left?
Hands are better.
[spoiler]It's the awkward smile at the end before he says "how many more of these?" that gets me.[/spoiler]
Edited by Lukas: 7/9/2017 8:45:51 AMHow many more of these?
I smell a new meme coming.
Edited by DedCanDance: 7/9/2017 1:48:07 AMI think food was the most valuable thing to me as a soldier. When I finally got to eat [b]good[/b] food, I knew I would survive. hah! Patience is definitely a virtue and a constant moral exercise but like any accomplishment in self-discipline, sometimes it's trying. As a martial man at age 34, I can say that for me it has always been worth it. In the end, it rewards you with sense of truth...
Thanks Chris Evans.