Any mtg players here? Hour of Devastation prerelease is tomorrow, are you going?
When did you start?
What's your favorite color?
I'll start:
Started during late M12/early Innistrad
Color: White, really loving Black nowadays
Format: Commander/sealed
Deck: Soul Sisters for modern, Atraxa Counters for commander.
Card? Dictate of Erebos/Grave Pact.
Clan pitch if you are looking for a Destiny clan:[spoiler]I have a Destiny clan called Cabal Coffers that I just started here [url=][/url][/spoiler]
Started halfway through 2013 I run multi color decks, favorite color is black No particular format Each of my decks are hand crafted by myself with any card from any expansion up to the year the deck was made My favorite cards are Ob Nyxilis of the Black Oath, Urborg, Tomb of Yogmoth, and any Eldrazzi, particularly Ruin Processor. My favorite decks to make are Black, Red, and Blue, mixed color control decks. They always work. At least the ones I make do.