Why is there so much negativity on these forums surrounding Destiny 2? Yes, the Bungie team is making changes. So many people in this community sound like stubborn old geezers who are resistant to change, talking about "Back in my day..." It's a new game - changes are expected. Otherwise, you'd all be complaining because it's too much like Destiny 1. Personally, I'm excited for a fresh start.
I challenge you to write something you look forward to in Destiny 2.
[b]I look forward to:[/b] seeing how the character creation will turn out. Will we have plenty more options to make our Guardian stand out from the rest? I don't like how my human character looks (and thus I wear a helmet at all times) and I desperately look forward to a fresh start.
2 things I am looking forward to and hope are fun/worth purchasing the game and sticking around for another 2-3 years. They are: 1. Trials of osiris. I'm not the greatest at pvp, I've beat top 100 players a lot. But struggled to get to the light house. God damn laggers, ddos'rs and intention lag switchers have stopped me a lot getting that 9th win. I've had terrible luck. But the most fun I ever had in a game is trials. Only cause I'm playing with good friends. Destiny 2 better fix the bullshit that goes on in this game format. We should of gotten dedicated severs this time around and there better be a hardcore ban button. Also, the added 4th person is great. I look forward to having the 3 guys I mostly play pvp with, in trials now. 2. The raid. Raids are the best pve content in the game. If you have a good group of friends to play it with. The hour or 2 it takes to complete is really fun.. But its bungie and a lot of us have spent 4-7 hours plus in the raid due to a lot of glitchy bullshit. In destiny 2, I hope we can get in, have fun, get out. Keep it simple. No stupid shit like running around a pillar. That is what I look forward to if the beta pulls me in.