I doubt ill buy it at all, and if I do, itd be towards the end of the games cycle when you can get all the content for $20-30. And even then, ill only get it if the sales are so poor that it forced bungie to reverse coarse on many of these changes.
Edited by Aydenator5347: 7/9/2017 5:15:11 PMYou're not going top buy it if it has good sales and good ratings? Only if it has bad ones?
Ok i reread what i wrote and inderstand your confusion. Good ratings will be subjective and will likely come from those playing pvp religiously. I just dont see pve being fun or fulfilling in the way it was in Y1 with the changes they've made - and they failed to resolve one of destiny's biggest flaws: a unified sandbox for pvp and pve. If i buy it, it will be because bungies poor sales numbers forced it to reverse coarse on a lot of their philosophy in D2. I.e., they finally do the right thing and separate pve from pvp and start reimplementing things i loved about the game in the first place. I just dont see that happening though. If sales tank it will likely be because pve oriented players decided not to buy the game and they will just double down on their pvp efforts hoping to make up the lost revenue through esports and addutionsl promotion that comes with it. The Destiny that I grew to love will just be a flas-in-the-pan game.
Ok I get it