1. It cost a whole $5.
2. I want more information before I form an opinion on the game.
3. I have friends who play.
4. Destiny, in spite of many flaws, is one of the best overall values in gaming I've experienced.
5. I'm not afraid of it changing in a sequel.
I'm not going to condemn you for your decision as I think we all need to make our own decisions for ourselves. I respect your reasoning for making the game. For me, I'm not afraid of change, but when you fundamentally change the game so much that not enough of what you loved remains in the game, its time to make a choice, and my choice is simply to not buy or play the game unless they reverse course. If Destiny is a 10 year project where you thought you would be driving around the streets in a suped up ferrari, and they suddenly swap it out for an econ-hybrid to please the other people you have to share the roads with, that ceases to be fun. It feels like this game was a huge bait-n-switch, and they've made decisions hoping people would continue to blindly plug along. That is exactly NOT what I plan on doing. I left the game because Y2/Y3 was too much of a departure from the game that I came to love (Y1). This just takes it one step further and one step too far IMO. If your continuing on with the game, then good luck to you and I hope you enjoy it. But for me, I can't bring myself to buy into and re-invest both my time and money into the game unless and until Bungie reverses course on their e-sports/PVP-oriented agenda.