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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
Edited by Keanu Weeves: 7/12/2017 3:33:18 PM

Please Pray for my Son.

I sent him to Hell for timeout, but I lost the key and now he's stuck down there... Edit: For some reason some of you think I'm referring to Jesus, no. Jesus committed suicide from disappointment in humanity. I am referring to Lucifer, Satan, Beezlebub, ect... He is my favorite son after all. #JusticeforLucifer

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  • I should pray for [u]you[/u]. Though, imitating Gad isn’t something you wanna do rn

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    3 Replies
    • Hell? You mean Detroit?

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    • Edited by Psyperactive81: 7/16/2017 5:45:43 AM

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    • 😬 Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub.... wasn't his son though. He was his creation, yea, but not his son. He was God's highest archangel. Jesus was his only son. Just sayin. No rudeness intended, just a correction. [spoiler]Oh, and no amount of good deeds will get you into heaven. Thats the Catholics and Mormons. Both are far different than Christianity.[/spoiler]

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      2 Replies
      • I wouldnt worry about him. Hes got the atheists to keep him company.

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        15 Replies
        • *Beelzebub

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        • We have dinner once every week, Satan is pretty chill.

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        • Did you leave the key in your other pair of pants?

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        • F u dad. This place sucks. It's like Florida but worse

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          • Hail Satan...

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          • You are a false God.

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            • If we pray too much, he will become too strong and overthrow you

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              4 Replies
              • this bnet deity fight is entertaining [spoiler]if any of you ever existed[/spoiler]

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                • He'll break out in like three days, the demons aren't exactly comfortable with him around... Yes, I'm talking about his gas problems. They're that bad.

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                • Edited by Franklin: 7/11/2017 8:24:28 PM
                  Are you kidding me God Your real son is a chump, I'm better.

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                  9 Replies
                  • Done. ... wait... I think I did that wrong... did you say "to" or "for"?

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                  • Edited by kerrick2: 7/12/2017 12:57:51 AM
                    I did but he still got nailed for a crime he did not commit.........gee that sounds familiar

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                    • Lucifer =/= Jesus

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                    • Am I doing it right?

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                      • The majority of the world is worshipping him anyway

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                        • -blam!- you god

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                          • Rip, sub

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