My main problem (and sorry to beat a dead horse) is the catering to PvP with the new power weapon switch. When i played the demo at their panel everything else was nice however the power weapon setup really pissed me off because it feels really geared toward PvP. Snipers, shotguns, fusion rifles (and why the hell did they scrap Heavy machine guns?) are all power weapons now for what I ask? In PvE on destiny 1 there really was no problem unless PvP had a problem which ment carpet bomb nerfs across all game modes for one gun type as a whole rather than just that weapon on PvP only. I really dislike this new power weapon setup it's not like I don't like change but now it feels like the game is more guided to PvP players and not really PvE players I loved the old set up... This new one just isn't for me. I want to hear all of your thoughts and really this and the 4v4 is my only problem with the game.
I really like the new gun slots. I don't feel like it's geared towards pvp at all. I like the new system for pve because now I can carry a scout and auto rifle which will cover both short and long range. The only benefit of the D1 setup was the dps for bosses. I feel like they've gone away from bullet sponges since none of the new raid bosses or strike bosses are heavily dependent on dps. It's more mechanic driven now than it was when Destiny first came out.