1. It cost a whole $5.
2. I want more information before I form an opinion on the game.
3. I have friends who play.
4. Destiny, in spite of many flaws, is one of the best overall values in gaming I've experienced.
5. I'm not afraid of it changing in a sequel.
Edited by welderman adam: 7/12/2017 2:47:34 AMI think the Bungie marketing division is shit. Of course the game will be better than 99 percent of the shit out there, but the message they are trying to give is pandering to the whiney bitches of you tube, twitch and these feedback forum user dipshits, so much so that it is probably hurting their cause. Stay frosty silent guardians! Try the game for yourselves when you get the chance. Bungie ain't making a religion...at least not yet... Remember, Destiny is just a game.