1. It cost a whole $5.
2. I want more information before I form an opinion on the game.
3. I have friends who play.
4. Destiny, in spite of many flaws, is one of the best overall values in gaming I've experienced.
5. I'm not afraid of it changing in a sequel.
see I'm pretty much setting the bar as low as I possibly can, I'm expecting the exact same problems that the first game had, on top of that I think there going to do the same thing they did with D1 where they release the game and then the Year 2 stuff gets released and the Year 3 etc etc. I figure if I can set the bar low, and bungie pushes even a little over that bar then I'll be mildly happy with the game, I want Bungie to succeed I really do, and maybe the old game was held back by previous generation consoles, as well as some internal affairs, but now there is no excuse, sink or swim with Destiny 2. I'm going dark until the beta releases and then I'm going dark again, that means no trailers, no promotional stuff at all. so we'll see what happens.