1. It cost a whole $5.
2. I want more information before I form an opinion on the game.
3. I have friends who play.
4. Destiny, in spite of many flaws, is one of the best overall values in gaming I've experienced.
5. I'm not afraid of it changing in a sequel.
Im not cancelling my preorder and this is why 1. It's my money, and I'll spend it how I want to. 2. Seriously though, as a fan of the final fantasy series, and ps2 titles like the Jak series, gameplay and other changes don't really affect me. The requirements of a good sequel is that it is enjoyable to play, continues the story in some capacity, and improves on the first. besides the enjoyability, destiny 2 passes. It's also different, neat. That shouldn't stop anyone from enjoying it. If you don't like it being different then keep playing destiny 1?