Fact you SUCK lmao
Fact i have beat you three times in trials. Fact your Yr3 kd is a 1.37 Im a 1.45. fact I have beaten you two weeks in a row. Fact I always beat you when you are running stacked. Fact you have never went positive whenever you go against me. Fact I have links that show me beating you in trials going 2.00+ on you. Fact if I suck than beat in trials wait FALSE you cant because you just suck
What is this your dairy!? Lol like I read that shit
Nah thats just showing that u suck sry
Fact your 1.2kd not my fault u can't hold anything better lmao
Fact your trials Yr3 kd is a 1.37 while im a 1.45 but still has beaten you three times in trials btw check the links scrub cough cough
I can do this all day. I know I'm the only person that will speak to you lmao.
I can do this all day roast a kid that thinks he is good lol
I'm on right now lmao
And when you also have proof with links lmao
Drop a 5.00 on dragonbabymaker in trials while he goes 0.22 but still believes you bad lmao. And beating him two weeks in a row lmao. And have beaten him three times in trials lmao.
Cool your online I have a chance for the people watching your stream for me to beat you again in trials just like the other two weeks
Your still replying?? Play the game kid lmao
Like do you want me to beat you three weeks in a row now with plasmastorm?
If i play the game i will run into you in trials for the 5th time and I will be you just like the other 3 times
Again tittybaby, you were carried lol legs 1v1 and see who is the better player
And kid i have a higher overall kd than you so Im going to be playing with better people
U run stacked as well mr 1.3kd Yr3 so idk what your trying to say
Yeah nd that means something lmao
I vs you 4 times in trials my kd against you is a 1.88 yours is a 0.47 soo....
Your a 1.2kd kid lmao
Hey kid i just posted three links of beating you in trials going 2.00 or higher on you while your going negative soo.....
Im a 1.45 Yr3 kd overall
I'm pretty sure 95% off the community hates your smart ass mouth