Nothing because that shit is not even -blam!-ing coffee and it's extremely overpriced.
With all the hipster coffee joints popping up in my area, Sbux is actually the cheapest around, aside from McDonald's or DunknDonuts or places like that. Here are 12oz. coffee prices for local trendy cafes in my area: Urth Cafe - 3.15 & its pure swill. Aussie Bean - 2.45 and its decent Bodhi Leaf - 4.15 it's really good Starbucks - 1.95 meh Night Owl - 2.30 it's totally garbage Of course there are more places that have a 12oz cup for around two bucks, but in general they aren't great. I just prefer to make my own. But if you want to go really extravagant and overpriced you can go to Intelligencia and order a 16oz. Jamaica Blue Mountain for 25.00. I tried it once. I'm really into coffee. It was a very good cup of coffee, but not the best, and it certainly wasn't worth 25 bucks lol.
No thanks, I make my own.
That's the best way to do it.
Their dark roasts (black) are tolerable and reasonably priced. Folks who turn their java into some kinda complex..confectionery, yea maybe that price is justified what with the shit the barista had to go through.
Very true. However, on the occasions [i]someone else[/i] buys it for me, I don't mind too much.
Soooo [spoiler]decaf for you?[/spoiler]
No. I love coffee. Real coffee.. not sugar water. Your post makes no sense unless you're incredibly confused.
It is real coffee. It's just not black shit water and cool to hate on so you, as a hipster, will hate on it.
K, Kid. Go find your safe space.
You're the triggered one crying about your special coffee safe space
Yeah, I'm the triggered one even though you're the one crying while defending Starbucks. K!
Why can't I defend a coffee company? That's not crying. Crying is whining about how it's not up to your Folgers standard.
Whining is when you get incredibly defensive because someone doesn't like your shit coffee. One day you'll be an adult and understand.
[quote]No. I love coffee. Real coffee.. not sugar water. [/quote] Thank you. Some one who finally agrees with me
Half the time I am