Question, what would be your dream YouTube channel? What type of content? What length?
Tefty, Fruit, Mtashed and Vanguard used to make my fav YT content back in the day. They covered it all, pve and pvp. Watching them was a weekly ritual. Now it's Jez and storym4chine for the laughs and Esoterikk for the serious stuff. While I was hooked on The Division I discovered SkillUp and now I can add him to my list of must watch. BlueWastlo could have been one of the greatest and best when it comes to Destiny YT, but he's too lazy, too moody and his real job takes a lot from him so he never did. I used to hope and stuck with him, but now I'm just "screw you Blue"
Anti-Warlock That's all you need to know
Seems a bit niche
Well have you seen the new Voidwalker? The special is a bit slow, but it can track better than Truth making it require literally no skill to use. Plus it looks stupid overpowered. Dawnblade, however looks underpowered
Overpowered in damage not speed.
I guess we find out tomorrow!