They would be among the poorest of the states.
Libs: But free healthcare!
They have free health care because they pour so much of their money into taxes and government programs. You think they are poor but in reality basically everyone in Sweden lives better than the average American.
Strawman argument. Median income ==/== standard of living across cultures. The Swedes pour a lot of their income into taxes and social services. So although very few people are rich, everyone lives well. Where as here in the US we've basically spent the last 49 years defunding our government and tearing up the social contract. So even though we all have more money in our pockets, very few of us actually live as well as the Swedes and Europeans.
US states... United States states XD
i wouldnt mind it but i rather keep our healthcare.
[i] [/i]
Hey The US would finally have a world cup
The states of- "Two world wars and one World Cup" And "Valhalla"
The first question any American asks when the idea of a new state is proposed is: "Where would the star go?"
[quote]They would be among the poorest of the states. Libs: But free healthcare![/quote] Yeah considering they have tiny populations. But per capita they would beat most states...
This doesnt factor in cost of living and uses a form of averaging such to cherry pick a result. I'm sure a mean average would find differently.
Edited by Flee: 7/17/2017 8:18:03 AM>based entirely on the median income This analysis is bad and you should feel bad for just buying into it like that.
i work a lot with statistics and believe me: do not trust a single statistic that you havent made and/or faked yourself.
Thing is, if you actually go to Germany or Sweden, even the most deprived parts, and then go to the poorest states in the US, it would be pretty obvious that whatever these stats say, people are far better off
>median income Are you even trying m8? Try again tomorrow kid
This is based on median income, which immediately shows how ridiculous this study was. Sorry, not this time.
Those sound like two really specific examples
Doesn't help their case that the US basically pays their military budget for them
I know you are joking mir. Dont worry.
[url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] will be reunited.
Remember when Germany was the economic powerhouse of the entire world simply by kicking out the Jewish bankers and their corrupt central banking system? Now look at it.
Well yeah they use Monopoly money
One benefit. No skin headed screw ups taking up valuable air. All of that including the flag are illegal. Sadly America allows it for "historic" reasons.
Right now its the land of the elitists, California
Just wait a few years and they'll be one of the poorer states of central/South America.