So is it just me or is anyone else about to die of old age trying to get their super in D2?
I can't find a way to boost the charge rate either.
[i]~Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]
It's fine as it is in PvP. PvE could use a boost definitely.
600+ upvotes. Wow 😂
From what I understand, there will be ways to boost our ability cooldowns with different armor perks and mods.
Ya it needs a boost
PvE super should be armor based + kill based PvP should be kill based (higher super bonus per kill) Nobody wants supers all over PvP. However, PvE needs abilities to feel awesome and for fun factor.
Impossible the sith have been extinct for a millennium
That's the thing tho. It should be about 1 per game. I mean I've gotten my super 4 times in one game
Idk about it taking to long. In pvp i almost get it twice and in pve i get about 3 or four times. Maybe its just the players not the cool down.
Changes will be incoming, read the weekly update
Yea with the Low upgraded No Cooldown for super or ability Barely Any good armor that we have? Yea supers take a while We have No real upgraded armor so id expect it to be slow.
[quote]So is it just me or is anyone else about to die of old age trying to get their super in D2? I can't find a way to boost the charge rate either. [i]~Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i][/quote] After playing a few PvP matches as a voidwalker I was finally able to use my super. I cast my Nova Bomb in a match sometime yesterday. As of today the shit still hasn't landed. The guardians I threw it at marveled at how beautiful it was as it slowly approached them. A few of them danced, and one was even nice enough to wave at the bloody thing. I am hoping that by the end of the beta the bomb will have grown strong enough in it's travels to one hit kill Ghaul. When Ikora Rey took off on that Red Legion ship she was goin to get that damn bomb so she could hand deliver it to that atrocious bastard herself!
Edited by Walf XV0: 7/20/2017 8:42:17 PM"[i]I am Ghaul, and your light... Is now handicapped"[/i]
Im pretty sure they did that for a reason
I started the strike then fell asleep! Woke up next morning and still didn't have my super! Lmao super ain't super any more it should be called forever waiting now! Destiny has lost it's way! The fun is gone rip destiny
Edited by zNapSack: 7/21/2017 3:55:23 AMI've played the strike a fair number of times on all three characters and I seldom felt the need to use my super. In fact we've nearly beat it a couple times before I even got my super, or so it seemed. Granted, it was due to the fact I didn't want to use it until I felt it was an absolute necessity. However, I'm also well aware that mindset can be dangerous and lead some to hang on to their super when in fact it would've benefited the team as a whole to use it.
Normally I don't use my super too much in D1 because I save it for the boss (nightstalker) so I'm not that effected by the change but I do understand where you're coming from I want to use my Sentinel Shield moar
As I was telling my fireteam- at least I can use that awesome hunter somersault anytime I wanted.... wait what the f?$k.... 25 second cool down on that worthless pile of steaming octopus turds?!?!?!? FFS what's the point of playing a hunter anymore. Classes suck. Supers suck. Abilities suck
Edited by GifuBound: 7/21/2017 12:52:24 AMArcstrider needs a buff. Its too slow. I feel like i'm just trying to chase people for 90% of my super and then if i do catch up to them there is barely any lunge. I do however feel that if you can perfect the combos then it's really fun to use, but it just needs a little farther lunge like i said. And i do think that in the full game it should tell you all the combos and what each of the buttons do since there are quite a few. Otherwise people will just go back to looking up videos again which i don't think bungie wants people to rely on.
It's really bad and the grenade cool down is crazy
There probably more focused on the beta running smooth and the basic gun to gun fight more that timing abilities or supers they Wana keep focus on how the game is behaving and not so much buffs and Nerf to classes at the moment later before the game will be released they will probably change a few things faster super charge faster ability charge but again we probably only have 1/100 of the content destiny has in store for all of us other armor and subclass abilitys will be coming with the game so only then we should have an out cry and only then should things should be changed if we ask for too much change in the game then it will be all over the place that how we break games be carful on what we ask for we might go back to the old days of only seeing hand cannons In pvp (hawkmoon,thorn,last word) not a balanced gun to gun fight. (gun classes all usable) (Only my thoughts) also plz imput a ping counter 90 ping and under plz I hate having people lagging around and finding my self randomly dead because of someone's shitty internet speeds.
Co-players barely drop any orbs when they use their special ability
I don't mind the charge rate since they're meant to be 'super' but they last such a short time and needs to be changed
I only noticed this on Titan. I didn't notice it on warlock and hunter
I'm not sure if my fellow voidwalker mains know this. But you can shoot your nova to detonate early.
Yeah, it's a huge bummer. Everything (except O/B ability) charges too slowly. Hopefully the change the charge rate or include abilities to alter it in the final product.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
[quote][b][i]SUPER CHARGED![/i][/b][/quote] Me: "Aw, yeah...AVENGERS, ASS-" Shaxx: "Let this defeat drive you, Guardian..." Me: "[b][i]FUUUUUUUUUUU-[/i][/b]"