[quote]Downloadable Audio links:
[b]SoundCloud[/b] https://soundcloud.com/oceans-of-canopy/dtc-episode-55-winter-is-here
[b]iTunes[/b] https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/destinytruthcast-destiny-podcast/id1101605804?mt=2[/quote]
Welcome to episode 55 of the #destinytruthcast where you the community join us in talking all things Bungie and Destiny. Today RedWingGirl and I welcome community guests jh0ward414, hyattmarc and RarelyRandom
Today's topics include:
-Guest showcases
-Clan integration in Destiny and what clans mean to you
-Destiny and good libations
-Are Bungie showing too much of D2 and do you watch it all or prefer to be surprised?
-Shooting Range? (No not Patrol)
-Why a farm?
-No tweaking imported characters, Bungie? Really?
-It's a continuation
-Favorite moments
-How to have a chance to get a early access beta code
Once again thank you to jh0ward414, hyattmarc and RarelyRandom for joining us today and we thank you for listening
Great GOT ripe off with the title!! Selling out and original ideas. Killing it Sal.