My general feelings towards the Beta are quite positive so far but the current female Titan armors, especially parts the Crucible set, look like they have taken unaltered straight from the male model. The starting set (Noble Constant Type 2) are not too bad but the feet are so big they almost look like clown shoes on a female. The Crucible set (Phoenix Strife Type 0) are really bad as again the feet are huge and as well as the entire legs. The front upper thigh plate sit so far forward it looks like you could store a few spare guns between them and the character's legs. They are so bulky they make your character look like a steroid abusing female competitive weightlifter. Also the pauldrons look oversized on the female and have a huge gap between the top and back of the shoulder and the armor lining big enough to fit a fist in between. I know they are meant to be chucky and tough looking but the look more like two WWII sea mines magically floating above your character's shoulders than pauldrons actually fitted for combat. I just get the sense with these sets that some major corners where cut in the resizing and reshaping of these from the male version to the female.
I can't comment on the Strike armor set as I don't have that set yet but the default female Hunter and Warlock armors look ok just the Titan, as it always seems to be with Destiny, somehow got the short end of the stick in this case.
Bumpity bump