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7/21/2017 2:59:49 AM

D2 Beta hit detection and gunplay

So I've played about 12+ hrs of the beta now and here are my main concerns. The biggest and by far the most important(IMO) is the hit detection of the weapons. PvE and PvP, it really feels incredibly inconsistent. I dont know if its a connection issue or what because sometimes it actually feels pretty good, not as good as D1 but still decent. But when its bad oh is it bad. Ive noticed this issue especially with the hand cannons and scouts. It almost feels like your shooting straight through someone when theyre standing right in front of you. And the there really is no distinct feeling when getting a headshot. I dont know if there was like some kind of different sound que or what in D1 but i feel like when I get a headshot I KNOW that I just got a headshot. Im not getting that same feeling in D2. There are obviously more issues(as well as some really good positives) but this by far is my biggest concern. Of all the faults and negatives about D1(i.e sticky nades and wormwood spam) one thing you can definitely say is that the gun play is awesome. And please god give me a primary or secondary sniper. I hate waiting for power ammo to spawn (with like all of my teammates crowded around like crackheads) and then it being like a lottery as to who will actually get the ammo. That or just add more ammo boxes or reduce the cooldown. All of that aside I am really enjoying the game so far. I especially like the countdown game mode. I hope they spice the "competative" game mode up a bit thought. Maybe a ranked playlist for comp?? can dream right?

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