Hello all! I thought I'd share my [u]opinions[/u], and thoughts on the things I've gathered from the Destiny 2 beta.
[b][u]Opening Mission[/u][/b], The opening mission I thought was very well put together, from start to finish. Though I'd really like to hear our guardians actually speak to the ghost at the beginning.
From the very beginning, I felt that the gunplay was more stiff, more refined. It definitely felt different, but in a better way. The jumps are more fluent, more crisp feeling, and they don't drag. Overall, it was a great way to start a sequel.
[i]It started out strong, and finished even stronger[/i]
[b][u]Inverted Spire Strike[/u][/b]
Besides the over use of dialog in my [u]opinion[/u]. I thought the strike was great. It felt way less linear And more wide open. My fireteam and I explored until everything we thought was glanced upon, and we found what we believe to be an entrance into a Lost sector.
It also seemed like there were enemies around every corner. Which felt a little less like the enemies were on rails. Like the previous title.
As far as the final boss fight. It seemed like the boss was a bullet sponge, but this might change with different, more powerful weapons. The changing of arenas, and the falling through the floors was a great aspect. It felt more interactive until the very conclusion of the fight. Overall the strike was fun, and different.
This was where I knew I'd be more critical of my assessment, because pvp is where I hung my cloak when I ran out of things to do as far as Pve content.
Pvp in my opinion felt better, and it played better. Less grenade spamming, less ability spamming, and more reliant on the skill with a gun. It definitely felt slower, which I thought was great after a few matches. I Especially loved the power ammo aspect to where only 1 person per team can utilize it. Which made it seem more tactical. There was ALOT of team shooting, which I believe won't be a problem if your team sticks together, and plays together. As it should anyways.
Gunplay felt balanced, supers felt balanced. There wasn't a single super that I felt stood out from the rest, as far as power, and mobility. I can settle with 1 super per round. It's perfectly fine. If you utilize it correctly, it can completely change the outcome of the game. Out of the 12 matches we played. We lost 2, by a very little margin.
Overall, I think, and I honestly feel like it's an improvement.
As an overall, in my honest [b][u]opinion[/u][/b] I think that the beta was a vast improvement. They didn't change much of the core aspect, but what they did change. Felt great.
Believe me people, I'm in no means a fan boy. I haven't played Destiny since December of last year. I'm a gamer, plain and simple. I'd never want to see a gaming franchise fail. I simply went into the Beta with a level head, and an open mind.
These were just my thoughts and [b][u]opinions[/u][/b] on the beta.
[b][u]Things I'd change[/u][/b]
The recharge timers on supers, and abilities in Pve. We need some feeling of power. I mean, we've triumphed over gods in D1. So dumbing the recharge timers on abilities isn't a good thing.
I also got word that the power ammo drops will increase in Pve when the game is released. So they're listening.
There [b]NEEDS[/b] to be a thick line between PVP, and PVE.
If your thoughts and [b][u]opinions[/u][/b] are different, then be sure to hit up the feedback forums, and express your feelings, and concerns. It's important that they make the game for [b]EVERYONE.[/b]
Dude you dont need to write a bible, the game is basically the same with some graphics upgrades. Lmao you talking about the jump. Jumpstage😂 You are awesome bre🍻