After playing the titan and the warlock classes first I was really excited to find out what the hunter's special ability was. The warlock has a rift to help [i]teammates[/i] and the titan's shield is great for your [i]team[/i] to get behind.
And then there is the hunter's dodge.
First of all, lets just get this out of the way, even if we weren't comparing this to the other class's abilities, this thing would suck. It has a cooldown of around 20 seconds, meaning that it is really worthless for actually dodging things because whenever you need to dodge, it will probably not be active. Look at the Nightstalker dodge in Destiny 1! That was 10x better than this one in D2, and this one is a [b]core ability of the entire hunter class[/b]. And no, the fact that it reloads your gun does NOT fix anything.
Now lets actually talk about why the idea of a dodge for a class ability sucks as a whole, no matter how good it is. Notice the other two class abilities are great ways to support the entire team. The warlock's rift is awesome for boss fights when boosting weapon damage is really important, or offering a psuedo-shield through the healing rift. These bonuses help the whole team. Same with the titan shield. It puts a barrier between your team and the bad guys. It gives everyone a chance to reload, heal up, and then jump back into the action. And the smaller titan shield is great for when you are caught in the open with no cover and you need to kill some baddies quick. The auto-reload for that means constant fire on the enemy from all the guardians behind the shield. Awesome. But the hunter ability, even if it had instant recharge even if it instantly healed the user and even if it was the most OP thing in the game, would still not benefit team gameplay in the least. The class ability should be something that helps the team as a whole and not just something to jump the hunter a couple feet one way or another.
Personally, I think the whole ability should be changed entirely. Sure, it seems kind of late for that, but at the moment it makes hunters terrible team players. They have no real abilities that help the team as a whole. I think a much better ability would be one where the enemies in front of the hunter get 'marked' and highlighted to everyone in the party. The first option for the ability could offer a boost in damage to marked targets from any source, meaning marking a group of enemies would encourage the team to focus their and take advantage of the extra damage. The second version of the ability could stun the affected enemies, meaning the hunter could quickly shut down a group of enemies for just a few seconds, long enough for a weakened team to escape to a better position, or ambush the stunned enemies.
However, no matter the result, the hunter ability needs dramatic reworking. At the very least, it needs to be made into something more like Shadestep from D1 with other bonuses too, but personally I think it should be something that helps the team more. The class abilities for the other two classes are AWESOME and it makes me so much more inclined to use those classes. While playing on a hunter, it feels like you don't have much to offer to the team as a whole, and it feels like you don't even have a new special ability like the others. I hope Bungie can see that this is a letdown on the teamplay of Destiny that makes things like strikes and raids (and the game as a whole) so much fun.
Yeah I must agree with your impression of the hunter ability, I feel it was more of a gimmick that fails most of the time, it should be part of the hunters passive movement profile and not an ability that requires cool down. the warlock dawnblade has the twilight garrison gimmick for free so there is no reason why not lol. I think the hunter should of been given the invisible smoke bomb the nightstalker has and give the nightstalker class (if its available in D2) a snare for pinning. At least then if the titan barricade failed and the warlock rift expired the team could simply disappear in a "puff" of smoke to regroup. The hunter could use this if solo as well since he/she is on the "Squishy" side. But as of now I feel the hunter will be seen as a "rogue" or "outsider" not welcome in any fireteam and destiny should be about making a solid team that works well together than creating a rift for the sake of what appears to be a tactical PvP ability for the Crucible.