In this 8 minute video, Bungie gives a sneak peek of some adventures we'll have in Nessus.
Edited by JHarv: 7/25/2017 12:12:26 AMAmount of things to repeat is not content. To me, content is the duration you can play a game for without ever doing or seeing the same thing twice. If patrols are still these little 5 minute loops with a few more repeatable objectives to do in them that rotate every week, that isn't really a PvE adventure or open world. I still want to be able to hop into my ship and go to that mountain way off in the distance to find a new set of enemies and quests there. I want a planet to feel like a planet, not my neighborhood that i've seen millions of times. Here's to hoping that by Destiny 6 they'll have that figured out. Until then, it's just Borderlands with world quests and less weapon loadouts.