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Edited by Iceburgh: 7/25/2017 9:23:39 PM

D2 Crucible Impressions

I doubt I'm going to write anything that hasn't been said here already, but I walked away from my experience with the D2 beta feeling really bummed out. I've been a part of Destiny since the days of Dinklebot yelling about wizards coming from the moon. And whenever I see the amount of hours I've logged, I can hear a little voice in my head telling me "you really should spend more time outside, dude." That being said, I spend most of my time in the crucible since Shaxx yelling bloodthirsty praise in my ear is a good stand-in for all the paternal affirmation I felt like I was missing growing up. So I hoped I would be able to find similar enjoyment in D2's PVP, even as I got a little more concerned with each new tweak to the multiplayer formula I read about in the months leading up to the beta. I'm going to try to lay out my crucible-related issues without getting hyperbolic or dramatic about it. Again, I'm sure this is nothing original: Primary weapons- I wish they hurt people more. Because with such a universally high TTK, I've seen a lot of matches devolve into people taking potshots at each other from behind cover and just running away, which makes a pretty big percent of gunfights feel about as unfulfilling as my prom night back in junior year. Supers- We all agree they're too slow, right? Cool. Matchtype selection- I admit my bias upfront here: I don't really dig objective based game modes. This Striker just wants to strike, and time spent planting a bomb is time taken away from applying my fists to all the warlocks I never forgave for year one crucible abuses (looking at you, Sunsingers). That being said, I'm not super jazzed about being forced to choose between two grab bag crucible categories that lump a bunch of game modes together. If I want to play 50 consecutive rounds of clash with nothing but caffeine jitters keeping me going, I feel like I should be able to without having to slog through rounds of control or whatever else getting sprinkled in the mix. Teamwork- One thing that really struck me about the beta is how weak I felt without a team I could talk to. I have a group of friends I can play with regularly, but I found myself muttering Old Testament curses at my TV whenever I went into matchmaking by myself. With reduced grenade and ability strength (five paragraph memorial to shoulder charge: redacted) along with the previously mentioned discomfort with primaries, it felt like I was worthless on my own. I'd love it if individual effort felt more meaningful and tactically viable from time to time. Chalk it up to my lone wolf tendencies, I guess. Vague, nagging miscellanea- It feels like there's a lot more catering to the MLG crowd. That sweaty MLG experience is fine in it's place, as long as it doesn't come at the detriment of the more casual crucible players. And right now, I feel like it does thanks to smaller team sizes and everything else I've said above. Sometimes I just want to hop into a round where 12 guardians are hurling space magic at each other willy nilly, you know? The new crucible pacing feels much slower, and that's killed a lot of what I felt made the destiny experience so fun/unique. I appreciate the quest for balance, but I'd hate to see the multiplayer component neutered because of it. The crux of my angst here can be summed up with what I said to a friend the other day: I feel like I have to work a *lot* harder to enjoy myself now. I don't necessarily want to have a tactically cerebral experience every time I queue up for crucible. But without a full fireteam at my back and a lot of involved dialogue about strategy, I can't point to more than three matches that I had a fun time playing over the course of the beta. I spent most of the rounds I played feeling angry and kind of impotent. Maybe that's a personal problem. And maybe that's the intentional direction Bungie is taking this game. But I'd like to hope there are enough people like me who feel like something is fundamentally missing from the new crucible experience, and that our unified respectful whining can help turn this game into something we really enjoy. TL;DR- TITAN WANT TO PUNCH AND SHOOT WITHOUT HAVING TO THINK REAL HARD, AND NO WANT TO LEARN MAGIC OF TEAMWORK.

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