What makes Destiny great, and also what makes it stand out from other fps games are the abilities. The supers in Destiny 1 were amazing, and it was always really fun to use them. It made you feel really powerful, and would give potential for amazing plays and great memories. The supers in Destiny 2 are really cool as well, but only getting to use them once per match is a serious missed opportunity for pvp. Sometimes I even go a whole game without getting my super. This needs to be changed. In my opinion you should get more super energy for kills and assists, so if you are doing well you will get more than one super per game. Most of the time I get a super in the last minute of the game (just like everyone else), and I have to frantically try to use it before the match ends. Hopefully there will be a way to recharge super, and abilities faster is the the full release of the game. Only having one super per match is also very disheartening if you are killed before getting any kills. Destiny 2 pvp, and pve would greatly benefit from having faster super charge time.
I'm no pro. I know we all got used to D1...and all had things they wanted "fixed" in PvP but it feels like we got a completely different experience here. I didn't see a reason to force 4v4 on everyone,I didn't see a reason to ice all of our abilities, and definitely didn't see a reason for handcuffing the skill trees. If you wanted a balanced weapons system for PvP,(a friend thought) why not a separate system for PvP? Weapons and maybe even gear. Keep the two worlds separate. Allow for crucible dropped items, and a vendor to get you started or keep you up to date. It would seem to eliminate the "god gun" issues of D1(Year 1 Mythoclast). I know it's a beta, but i feel like it's too much like a reboot. Abitlty cool downs are harsh, the 4v4 is disappointing(to ME). That being said, I am a huge fan of the franchise. The PvE version of this stuff is (I think), as it should be. Early gameplay of D1 was similar in weapon effectiveness and abilities. Guardians grow stronger over time but I wish we had the skill tree open. Sorry for the rant.....just my thoughts. -just one voice in a crowd