Throughout the lifespan of overwatch there have been many metas. You know, the stuff that was always found in comp matches.
There was a time when roadhog was overpowered and could hook you while you were inventing the wheel with your cavemen mates and then you suddenly get hooked into point B of temple of anubis on defense.
There was a time when you could nano rein and not need a lucio to get kills with him, because nank gave you a movement speed bonus.
There was a time when your supports would get their ults faster than you can say "bastion got potg? This has never been seen before!"
And now we have to deal with Winston jumping in your face and spamming barrier more than junkrat spams without looking at what he's shooting.
I liked triple tank meta the best, it was more fun than not being able to defend any point because the entire enemy team got to the obj at the 5 seconds to match start point.
Though I may be a bit biased since I'm a rein main.
Share your thoughts.
And tell me if I missed any meta, because I probably did.
And if you don't like overwatch at all [spoiler]please, reply, bump this post so more people can see it. Get 50+ replies so this thread blows up because people don't agree with your opinion. Get me trending. It's what you'd want isn't it? A post about a game you don't like in the trending list? It's your dream come true!
I hope I de-incentivised you enough[/spoiler]
Edit: glad to see triple tank meta winning.
"A team that has situational awareness" Instead of a bunch of idiots who Googled how to be less of an idiot
Hate all the metas. All the metas do is get other people to try and force me to play a certain character.
Triple tank meta was extremely boring. The team composition almost never changed unlike all the other metas. There were 5 tanks to fill 3 spots. And Ana and Lucio were must plays. You had 1 slot that actually varied among teams, but even then was usually a consistent dps character like McCree or Soldier.
My favorite meta is an ever-changing one. One thing I really like about overwatch, constant rebalancing keeps no characters op\up for too long and keeps any meta from being all too prevalent.
I don't know what my favourite is but my least favourite is dive.
I just got the game for the anniversary and I can sit here on agreement with community, dive comp is the worst. I would prefer triple tank any day, but that's because I main tracer so free ults for me
I liked Winston since the beginning but now that he's viable Ive playing him a ton more. Pharah can piss off though.
Edited by BLEEHOW97: 7/27/2017 5:27:34 PMMetas in games by definition aren't fun. They make characters unviable, which makes games repetitive and boring. And it causes people to become cancerous when people don't stay in the meta. It's a big part of why Overwatch is one of the most toxic communities now. Metas suck
Orisa, Symmetra, Reinhardt, Winston. Have fun shooting at shields all day.
I was an ana main so tripple tank
Triple tank, but I'm an Ana main in comp. Loved that one, my healing was so high. Though honestly I'd really take any meta over this dive meta. All the barriers and dm blocking my shots make her impossible to play and mercy is zero fun in comp unless I feel like getting yelled at for not ressing, or not ressing enough, or dying with my res, or not healing the genji behind enemy lines. Oh well, quick play is still fun.
I'm still crying [spoiler]Rip Roadhog Nerf[/spoiler]
I don't pay attention to metas. But beyblades are cool so that my favorite meta
Three tank meta Rheinhardt Diva Roadhog
What's logzo?
Shield strats only.