Ok so as some of you know, I was writing a story, based on destiny. It was called Guardian Down. So personally i think i don't think i thought about the whole series properly before writeup. As you may of noticed i haven't done a chapter in about 2 weeks maybe 3. So i've decided to abandon the story and maybe start another soon when i get to think about it more. However, i enjoyed writing some chapters and some people were good to me while i was writing it. I would like to thank, and give a big shoutout to the following; Dredgen Yor, Kseth, Liam Gue and saving the best until last, Feldspar115. Thank you for helping me and supporting me through the hard times of writing :)
THAT OTHER GUY WHO BUMPS A LOT OF POSTS??????!!!!??!?? IS THAT HOW YOU THINK OF ME!!!!!!?!??!!!!?????!???