Hi All,
I made a similar comment about this somewhere, but I'd like to make a topic on it because maybe Bungie will listen, Please:)
Can we get an adult version of Destiny, not a kiddie arcade game?
I'd like more MMO/RPG aspects, open voice chat in all zones, a chat, an auction house and DPS/Damage/Healing reports after each raid boss, allow us to trade basic items, allow elite players to wear more exotic items at one time and create a higher tier gear level called "artifact". Also in the future allow veteran players to transfer their characters to the next game that would honor us and would be greatly appreciated. I don't think it's right to make us start our character's over and over that's just tedious and not right in an RPG game.
Oh and a barber @ the Farm, Please
*Edit - Bungie grab some interns and have them do voice-overs for our guardians, Please!
If there was an auction house, what would you sell anything for? Glimmer? All of the currency is so easily farmed that an auction house would be a pointless existence. Also, open voice chat is a TERRIBLE idea. Try playing Elder Scrolls Online some time. In an area that has a hundred people or more, it turns into a mess of idiots trying to talk over each other. I permanently turned my voice chat off in ESO just so I didn't have to listen to it.