Hi, i recently bought the dlc, i got the anniversary and collectors edition on the playstation store. but now i’m having an issue where the DLC content is making me bluescreen when i try to start it up. everything else works but the as soon as i want to do anything for example the witch queen campaign. it starts the counter, but as soon as i get to 1 second. everything freezes and then i get the bluescreen with the code CE-34878-0. i’m on a PS4 pro, i want to finally play but i can’t proceed from The Enclave mission.
Edited by LEGEND__PRO1: 3/15/2022 12:57:13 PM
Started a new topic: Cross-save issue(2 Replies))
Hello there! I am experiencing an issue that's happened to me a few times before now. I don't quite know why this happens so often, but I would like to get this sorted out. I have purchased multiple DLC's between D1 and D2. I will play them for random amounts of time and then one day I will go to log on and it will tell me I don't own that DLC anymore. This happened about 3 times with The Taken King, twice with Shadow Keep and now it seems to have happened with Beyond Light. I would rathe not purchase the DLC again due to it happening so many times over the years I've played. How can I fix this? Is there a way to re-acquire my DLC? I have a lot of in game proof showing that I have not only participated in Beyond light's campaign but the season as well. I've been all over Europa and everything in between and have played many hours with my friends as well. Anyone have any ideas?
I bought the deluxe version about a week ago still haven’t gotten the season pass. I uninstalled and reinstalled but still haven’t gotten it. What do I do?
Never got name change. Won’t let me change name.
I just wanted to check if my names characters we able to be used, expecting there to be a confirmation of some kind, now stuck with a name I don't actually want. Any hope of another name change in the near future?
I have a friend who is unable to change his bungie name. The name changes when live today and it isn't saying he doesn't have permission to do so.
I cannot unlink my ps account between my steam account because I bought silver 1 month ago and now I can’t play why is this a thing I just want to play the witch queen but I’m am suspended because of this issue for 30 days
Started a new topic: Can't play Dlc on same xbox with another account(1 Reply)
Started a new topic: Destiny 2 won't launch 2 days NO HELP!!!(1 Reply)
Edited by KnighTxf3: 3/7/2022 3:44:58 AMI’m a single player gamer and it sucks that a game I enjoy forces me to play with others. destiny 1 wasn’t too bad with it but destiny 2 just makes it seem like I absolutely need others to play with for the best looking stuff that honestly isn’t that good, I’m just saying make destiny 2 able to support single player gamers especially with dungeons, raids make sense
Started a new topic: One of my Missions is broken needs a fix(1 Reply)
Did the witch queen campaign on regular difficulty the first run to get a feel of it. Then I did legend on the same character, completed and and got zero of the rewards for it. Ikora wasn’t even in the enclave and when I talked to her at the tower she gave me no exotic or 1520 gear. I am extremely disappointed and upset considering I spent 9 hours of my day for nothing! Hope someone at there facility reads this!
I finished the story of witch Queen and did not get the armor bundle