How do i actually get in touch with bungie customer service? I can't find a number anywhere.
How do we contact bungie for missing bonuses?(both preorder and deluxe purchase of witch queen)?
So I picked up my preorder guns and stuff and then while playing the first few missions I got so much stuff my preorder -blam!- was deleted in the post master. What do I do? If I paid a 100 -blam!- dollars for them to tell me I’m beat then I’m getting a refund and never playing this game again.
Hello, i have boight all the dlc for destiny 2 including the witch queen but when the witch queen was installed all of my other dlc was removed i cant even find it when i go to "manage game" and ive already reset/changed my mac address it didnt do anything now i dont have "beyond light " shadowkeep" "30th anaversarry" or "forsaken" i would either like a refund for the dlc or just give me back the dlc i already paid for.... thanks
Edited by Times Vengeance: 3/1/2022 7:51:16 PMhello, Destiny 2: Witch queen keeps on crashing. At first I got a error code that was " Broccoli" and after several restarting and updating drivers attempts, my screen gets all fuzzy and static. If you know how to fix this please contact me at [REDACTED] or Discord: nomnom #8107 thank you Chris [spoiler][b]Moderator edit:[/b] I have removed your email for your protection. Please do not post personal information here, as this is a public forum that anyone can read, even without an account[/spoiler]
Started a new topic: Deluxe edition witch queen exotic smg issue(2 Replies))
Edited by Zenzation: 2/27/2022 2:34:03 PM
Started a new topic: Cant progress on Witch Queen Compaign.
I’ve had destiny 2 for a while now and haven’t had any problems until this week. I pre ordered Beyond Light which gave me 4 seasons of season passes. It only gave me that season, so how do I get the season pass? I already paid for it basically and I’m a little mad because I was garrentied seasons 15-19 and can’t access 16. So can you please respond bungie.
Started a new topic: Did not receive items after preorder(2 Replies))