How do i actually get in touch with bungie customer service? I can't find a number anywhere.
need help linking my xbox live but i keep getting this ---> invalid_request: The provided value for the input parameter 'redirect_uri' is not valid.
I had to log into my son's account on steam in order to play for a couple months and now I can't get my xbox gamertag back. Can someone help please? I'm tired of being called my son's name.
Started a new topic: Wtf is going on in your game bungie(1 Reply)
Anyone have suggestions my random drops have stopped in the nightfall. I've ran it 25 or more times to get the hung jury and nothing. should i uninstall and install destiny 2?
I had pre-order the destiny 2 beyond light when it first came out and all of a sudden it's not here for me anymore. It's not showing up that I have it. it's telling me to buy it again when I already spent 80 dollars on it.
Edited by TuxyDoh: 12/21/2021 12:12:39 AM
Started a new topic: Why bungie(3 Replies))
So I ordered a tri corn pin with the emblem and have proof of purchase and everything yet I haven’t received a code for the emblem yet. Nothing in my emails and there’s nothing to scratch off the pin or it’s package etc. Please can someone help me?
I was banned and I would love to play the new content but I can’t and I would love to be unbanned please. My bungie account is : l 8OO U MAD BRO#3089
I'm having a problem with the Four-Horn Gultch Public Event. I run the entire event only to be told that I have to have participated in the event in order to loot the chest. This is happening to me about 75% of the time but only for that event. Should I delete Destiny 2 from my computer and reload it? Or is there a fix for this issue?
With the latest game crossplay conversion, my online name turned into my real name. I refuse to play with my real name showing. Does anyone know how to fix or do I have to wait months before I can change it? Ridiculious.