Edited by TheSandmanSlim: 1/6/2021 3:32:23 PMQuid pro quo Quest step three bugged It sent me to -1,000,000 infamy Abandoning and requiring request did not work I was told about a work around resetting infamy on another character I had to raise another characters in for me from zero, reset it, and it did not work It took me a day and a half to get from 0 to 15k infamy. I don’t want to think about how long will will take me to get to 1 million Please help
@Kellogs hi kellogs i have problem i got vac banned for no reason so what happened was i was playing destiny 2 crucible i killed two people and got banned for hacking can you help me about this situation because i didnt hack or use anything and got vac banned
Started a new topic: Destiny 2 Non-accessible Worlds and missions(1 Reply)
I have lost my titan when the new update came out it says that I did not complete shadow keep or the moon can I please have help with this I had to delete him and I started over again and it sucks
Started a new topic: Missing Content from Forsaken Expansion(3 Replies))
Started a new topic: How do I get weapons I want in a very easy way?(3 Replies))
My xur is bugged how do I fix it he’s not in the tower on any of my characters
Can my PSN account be linked to another steam account if it was linked to the wrong one?
Any reason your servers keeps booting me out of games considering my Internet is working fine but still .. keeps kicking me out of strikes and quests which is starting to annoy me.. can someone understand why or can't bungie fix the problem for xbox series x
So, I'm playing the game and get 30 legendary shards. Was really careful about not spending them and now I'm back at 0. Really frustrating and Bungie has no tech support so is there anything anyone can tell me about what is going on or how I can fix it? I can't upgrade anything because something slick yeeting my shiz.
Edited by Drumboiski: 12/24/2020 7:42:25 AM
Started a new topic: Need another Braytech Transponder(1 Reply)
Edited by N_Thomas74: 12/23/2020 4:18:36 PM
Started a new topic: Emblems are not unlocking
I know this isn’t really a problem with the game and isn’t as critical as some other comments here, but I recently accidentally scrapped my bladesmiths memory cloak and I only had one. Since they are random rolls I can’t ever get it back again. I’m super bummed as that was part of one of my armor sets I liked to use. If anyone there at Bungie is able to help me with this by maybe somehow sending one to my account that would mean a lot and I would honestly be very happy. If not I totally understand, thank you and happy holidays.
what if I don't want my battle.net profile and want to use my xbox profile on steam but its still acting like I'm linked to battle.net?
For a month my classes have been disabled. I'm unable to use arc subclass or solar subclass. I am unable to equip it whatsoever. The quest kiosk wont give me anything and Ikora wont give anything its saying I need something from her. Also I'm not able to capture clips on destiny at all anymore. I cant find info about this anywhere else what is going on?