How do i actually get in touch with bungie customer service? I can't find a number anywhere.
I received my loot crate but the package was destroyed and some of the contents were missing either I want a refund or there’s going to be an issue I didn’t spend the money for that to get broken merchandise and missing items
Can a moderator here help me find out why I've been banned? I'm very confused as I've not broken any rules on the ban page on I got on my PC to play some raids and I just get a message saying i've been banned. I spent money on this game and done nothing wrong but I'm being banned. I feel like I'm being robbed from the company I put money into. Please someone help me figure this out
Mistaken purches refund plz hurry
they don't have a customer service , if you have any questions i'm sure a lot of guardians are willing to help here :)
I love this thread.
Yea just renewed the ps plus account and now it's telling me that I've been disconnected from destiny 2 servers and that my permissions to the online multiplayer has changed... I've tried restarting the ps4 , I've uninstalled and reinstalled so far nothing has worked I have the ps plus subcribtion but I guess it still thinks I'm not a member. Bungie or anyone knows how to help please I need an answer
Started a new topic: Temp Restriction on My Account(2 Replies))
@Kellogs On the weekly reset of D2 dating 9JAN2018, I noticed a ban on my account. All crucible playlists are locked along with all trial of the nine weapons/armor. I have received no email/ingame notification/Xbox live messages upon this ban. This has occurred to a few fellow gamers and I was wondering what the current issue is. I know for a fact that there are definitely fellow guardians within Lord Shaxx’s crucible however a select few are being removed from entering the activity. Please get back to me upon this matter or refer to those that can explain this matter to me.
Started a new topic: Destiny 2 not letting me sign in(4 Replies))
Dear bungie, i am and always will be a true fan of the game, i have been playing since year 1, its the only game i play, even when all the haters say destiny is dead, i stand up and defend you, tonight i was having an issue with my internet while playing trials, and i was restricted from playing, i feel so upset that the game I’ve put so much time and energy in turned its back on me and made me feel like a cheater, and i am far from it! And just because some salty kids who cant win a match report me, and in reality their the ones prob doing it to me!! Anyways...... heartbroken to say the least💔 I AM NOT A CHEATER!
For the love of actual -blam!-, how do you contact anyone at all in bungie? My account was hacked and I’m locked out of destiny 2, for an unknown amount of time, but more so, how do I know someone didn’t get my credit card details? I called ps support already, and the only problem now is with destiny!!
I hotbed Destiny for the Xbox 360 a while ago with all the dlc. When I got destiny for Xbox one I noticed all gearand characters from the dlc was gone. Ian there’s any way to get my stuff back