How do i actually get in touch with bungie customer service? I can't find a number anywhere.
These forums are the only way to contact bungie and get any issues sorted. What issue are you having? As a mentor or other member might be able to help.
Edited by Sire Buttersworth The I: 12/3/2017 5:13:12 AMI was playing the raid and then I disconnect right when we defeat the final boss. I didn't get anything, and I'm so frustrating right now. Why does this happen, it also happened to me during the gardens. It just disconnects me from everything. I want to contact Destiny but they have no shit for me to contact.
Edited by xHuckleberryMDx: 11/1/2017 9:49:02 PM
Started a new topic: PS account getting spammed(2 Replies))
Well i would ask this i got the sub Zero Exotic from Tess Everis pop up on my screen but it never gave it to me???
Started a new topic: Problem with Pre-order code and pre-order exotic
So I was banned from trials and crucible and did nothing wrong. I have never cheated on the game and don't understand why I got banned and what it was for. Or how long I'm going to be banned for.
You could always write them...
Why do you want to go directly up to the big guys? Is there an issue you have that mayhaps a Mentor could assist you with solving?