How do i actually get in touch with bungie customer service? I can't find a number anywhere.
Ok lots of problems on game ,wen I go to tower it doesn't load, wen I refresh I have no head lol,everything is running very slow since the new download, fed up with black screens any ideas plz ty 😀
I bought all of the seasons with in game currency, previous to this one and I can’t seem to find them and my Xbox will not tell me that I have them. I know I have them because I have progress with the previous seasons. Such as beyond light. I have stasis but I am not able to use it because the game doesn’t realize I have it. The game doesn’t realize I have all of the previous seasons and I’ve called Xbox they can’t fix this either so this has to be a bungie issue. How do I fix this issue?
I just completed the Bay of Drowned Wishes Solo Legend on my Titan and received the triumph but did not received my exotic helmet.
not being allowed to complete the aspesct of influence quest with the exo stranger. Box at the exo stranger is green but box in my quest window in not
Edited by Fey: 5/8/2022 11:13:20 PMThey need one tbh
Hi I need help, please…. Im trying to unlink my steam account from my Bungie account, but I need to authenticate the steam account first, but I cannot do that because I’ve lost all access to that Steam account, it’s very old. Please respond😭
when i try and log on it says "can't start the game or app" what do i do?
I bought an emote and I have yet to receive the emote in my emote catalog
Edited by TuxyDoh: 4/19/2022 1:08:12 PM
Started a new topic: Can't play my witch queen DLC or 30th an. on pc.(1 Reply)
Hello, I have 500 plush synthcord but when I went to the Loom to convert it, machine says its inoperable. What should I do?
Started a new topic: Unlinking Randos PlayStation account(2 Replies))