Bungie does not have a customer service email or phone. If you have questions regarding in game issues, technical troubleshooting, or anything else, please feel free to ask.
Servers not available. Bungie.net said Jan 3. Whats up.
Hello, I just have a question about the boom of the dawning consumable. After completing the gift, crucible and strike dawning milestones I recieved the boon for my titan. I completed the crucible and strike milestones for my hunter and I be never recieved the boon. Do I have to color pretentious the gift mIlestone as well or am I experiencing a bug? If someone could respond I wanna i wouls really apreciatie it.
Did the crucible twice in a row and no loot. Second time i purchased a crucible token and still nothing. Terrible.....
Yes why is it saying cant fine destiny sever try again it been 2 days my friends are playing
I actually need help. I bought Destiny 2, with cold heart and expansion pass, but I can't find my expansion pass code. It's not on the expansion pass piece of paper, nor on the cold heart one. I need help please
My friend joined sum1 that was in a paid trial and he got banned the people that hosted the paid trial got the least consequences to where they can still play just not trials, My friend bought the 100$ collectors edition grinded and got everything in Destiny 2. Is thier a way he can get his money bavk or his account?
I mean can he get his destiny 2 character and account back he really does not want to grind again if theirs not a way can he get his money back?
Edited by NEGZY: 12/22/2017 12:58:37 PMSo I've tried posting to forums about an issue that a few Titans and I seem to have found but no one seems to be responding. There is a texture issue with the new ornament for the Titan Crucible Gauntlets (see images in the link above). I've tried to do something about it but no one seems to have noticed. The arms are super cool but wearing them right now is a pain to go through. If I crouch, ride a sparrow, slide, or go into third person it is very visible and stands out a lot. I don't know how to get this out there. I tried reddit and many people have the same problem but nothing is being done about it. Thanks.
So I don't know if this just so happened to only me, but I logged onto destiny for the first time since the expansion dropped (I own the season pass) and I log on to see the starting cinematic. I think to myself that this is pretty weird cause it hasn't happened before. I then go to restart my game, battle.net, and my PC but none of those worked. So I have no idea what happened but I am absolutely infuriated that it happened and that I can't find any way of directly contacting a Bungie employee to get help about it. So if this has happened to you please let me know how you fixed it or the actions you took. If I can not get my characters back then I will probably just stop playing Destiny 2 cause this is outrageous.
Edited by Kell of Kellogs: 12/20/2017 4:01:29 AMYou may want to check that you’re logging on to the correct account. I can see two level 20 characters (277 and 303) and a level 3.
Ya and noe I have 2 level 25 characters 334 and 335 and working on my titan n still am getting multiple repeated items n making me not want to bother raiding or doing any farming because I can't seem to get the stuff I don't have no matter what I do
they are there today. i am sorry for the rude tone and any inconvenience i may have caused.
FIX THE DAMN RNG!!!!! This is getting beyond ridiculous.....over $40 spent in silver and not a single exotic or item worth keeping......over 15 exotic engrams decrypted and 3/4 of them are raised flux.......over 200 callus tokens turned in and all in a row ghost primus not even masterworked.......getting really really sick of the way the rng is being...im not asking for handouts I'm asking for a more balanced system and don't even get me started on illuminated engram I have gotten over 30 ships and sparrows all useless and basic as well as useless ghosts....yet I sit in the traveler for 20 minutes and consistently see people getting exotics upon exotics, party members getting exotics and armor pieces I have been grinding my ass off for....I either want a reimbursement for the amount I have spent on silver which proved to be an absolute -blam!-ing waste or I want you to credit my account in some way.....my gameplay hours are insane I play all day everyday and grind and raid and can't seem to catch a break no matter what I do in this game and I don't want to quit but y'all need to do something.....
THIS^^^ is only one of many, many reasons that I will be SUING Bungie and their worthless associates. Stay tuned.
Why does it say destiny 2 servers are not available when I try to log in. All my other friends are playing as I'm getting the error message?
I've been restricted from Crucible for more than a month with no apparent end in sight. During Trials of the Nine players from the opposing team kept lagging out but I just thought that was due to the fact that I live in PR, were Huracane Maria hit the hardest affecting everything and it was believe that due to that the connection wasn't the strongest. It wasn't after the end of the Trials that I found that one of the guys that had joined via the "Find group" feature in Xbox was actually using DDOS. I had no knowledge of this until after the fact and after I found out I removed and blocked him on Xbox. Please review the restriction, I had no knowledge and no fault of what happened.
I wanted to know if I could use the original destiny theme in a song I am written relating to lore of the game. Thanks!
I pre-ordered Destiny 2 plus DLC on Xbox before main release. On my home console my account and my partner's account have been able to play the base game, when the DLC dropped last week only my account can play it. So now flashpoint is on mercury the content is hidden behind an £18 barrier for her account. This isn't acceptable, nor is it destiny / bungie have no accountability for it. And don't just say that's the way it is, because under any circumstances consumers have rights
I just bought the new expansion pack and all my legendary shards are gone. It shows I have 0 but I know I had more Help please
I preordered the game brand new and know I can’t play it
How do I transfer my Xbox Ines destiny 2 progress to my PS4 destiny 2 account? Thanks
Hi, Unfortunately this is not possible. Progress cannot be transferred between platform families. https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12211
Hi Kellogs, I have been trying to log onto destiny since yesterday at the start of curse of Osiris, but it won’t let me on because “my connection to destiny 2 servers has been lost” and the error code is “centipede”. I’ve tried all things I can think of, even switching to a LAN cable instead of WiFi
when will you fix the CABBAGE error.. because i have tried everything
So I had the expansion pass for Destiny 2 this morning and now upon getting back on I don’t have access to the content