Bungie does not have a customer service email or phone. If you have questions regarding in game issues, technical troubleshooting, or anything else, please feel free to ask.
I have the same problem @Kellogs
I accidentally got a little trigger happy and bought the upgrade edition no more than like 2 hours before the start of season 11. I fully intended on upgrading with the intention of getting the new season pass but I mistakenly bought it with only a few hours left on the season pass of season 10. I have the original receipt still. Is there any way to get the season 11 pass at this point without needlessly spending more money or get a refund so I can repurchase it?
Please Fill out the contact form here. https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13657
Thank you, fingers crossed.
My hole character restarted and I almost had my max hunter and when I logged back in my hunter was gone and restarted with a titan instead of a hunter. Please try to fix this because this is making me mad
This sounds like your character was deleted. Unfortunately the retrieval of deleted characters is not a service Bungie can provide https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12211 If you feel your account may have been compromised, it is highly recommended you set up or change your pass key for your account. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12718]How to keep your account safe[/url]
I cant load up Destiny 2 HELP
[quote]Bungie does not have a customer service email or phone. If you have questions regarding in game issues, technical troubleshooting, or anything else, please feel free to ask.[/quote] Hi I pre ordered the deluxe digital edition earlier today for beyond light and it is installed but I can't access the immediate Emblem, Shell etc any idea how I could resolve this?
Bungie is currently investigating Xbox players not receiving their preorder bonus items. https://twitter.com/bungiehelp/status/1270514719653113857?s=21
[quote]Bungie is currently investigating Xbox players not receiving their preorder bonus items. https://twitter.com/bungiehelp/status/1270514719653113857?s=21[/quote] Thank you I definitely have the updates installed so I'll wait and see what happens
Hello. I made a mistake. I purchased the new season pass with silver but I did not realize I could purchase the Shadowkeep expansion with the new season already provided with it. I wanted to request a refund of the season pass I purchased with silver seeing as how it comes with the shadowkeep expansion which I have just recently purchased as well, but mistakenly after I purchased the season pass first with the silver. Thank you.
I have ran the mission to get outbreak perfected about 20 times I keep making it to the boss with plenty of time left but I lagg out with about 5 minutes left every time I have tried hosting not being the host I have done this with many different fire teams I have spent hours and hours and hours doing this and I lag out every time and I’m soooo pissed cuz I every time I lag out my other teammates don’t and they can invite me back. So they finish it get the gun and I just helped them the whole way there for nothing times 20
I started playing at end of season 9, I earned Beach light sidearm and I'm afraid I've lost it. Is there anyway I can retrieve this weapon back? Please help. Thank you, - Jeremy JKingdEm
On the pale horse quest, I’ve already completed the Quarry legendary lost sector twice but the quest step won’t advance any further.
Um I completed my dredgen seal but the very last triumph in the top isn't completing so I cant get the name
You need to complete the Gambit badge still. You can inspect your missing items by inspecting the badge on your collections page.
The pale horse quest won’t progress further and I’ve completed the Quarry legendary lost sector twice.
I just baught Destiny 1 "The Collection" from Target this afternoon. One code expired in 09/20/16 and the other on 9/20/18. I put in the codes into playstation to confurm that they had expired. Is there a way to get valid codes or get a new codes generated? If necessary I still have the receipt.
Unfortunately virtually all Destiny 1 does have expired. Bungie does not issue codes for content such as that. You’ll need to work with your retailer for a possible refund. At this time the only way to purchase Destiny 1 expansions is through the Destiny - The Collection from your console store.
Am I still able to ask a question here?
I accidentally unlinked my account while having clan issues that forced me to get error codes, so i was forced to unlink, which solved the issue, but now I cant relink my account for another 44 days, what can I do its not even my fault. I was getting error coded, not fair bungie.
Hello I have done all the steps to the thorn quest and I have done the final challenge ove 10 times now the correct way each time and I am not getting the thorn please can you help
This means you’re killing the final boss too quickly. You have to complete the fight slow and kill the special knights that come out at certain intervals during the fight.
Yes I have done it correctly 10 times now and I refuse to do it again I’m doing it perfectly