Bungie does not have a customer service email or phone. If you have questions regarding in game issues, technical troubleshooting, or anything else, please feel free to ask.
I know that but yet I’ve gotten restricted only when I’ve done trials, and the other one was doing the quest redrix broadsword where I had to do 25 quick play comp and rumble
Well now you know what you need to improve upon so that you hopefully don’t get the 3rd/permanent restriction. You have some time to sort out your issues.
(Up speed is 0.88 Mpbs) (down speed is 14.55 Mpbs) (latency 75ms) (0% Packet loss)(I use a wireless connection as well)
[quote](Up speed is 0.88 Mpbs) (down speed is 14.55 Mpbs) (latency 75ms) (0% Packet loss)(I use a wireless connection as well)[/quote] You have 2 MAJOR issues. 1. Your upload speed is too low (it’s below the 1Mb minimum requirement). 2. Wireless. These are definitely huge factors into why you’ve been restricted twice now. If you cannot get a wired connection, then you should look into powerline adapters to use instead of wifi. You will also need to have a recommended 3-5 Mb upload.
I know that but it’s kinda hard to get better WiFi especially with the virus, and I’ve used this same network forever with no complaints or restrictions before
How is it hard to get better internet connection? The virus isn’t stopping providers from offering their internet packages.
First of all 15 and I don’t think being able to convince a parent to use money to get better internet for a video game, I use what I have to enjoy destiny, but it’s when I have fun things end up going the wrong way, yesterday we were acused of ddosing and lag switching because we beat a team with common/ exotic weapons, I just feel like there should be a warning or something
You had your warning previously. Also, now you know that your connection isn’t sufficient for destiny. So you have a choice to make.....keep as is & maybe get final restriction, stop playing pvp, or see about getting a better connection.
It’s just not just pvp, any sort of matchmaking against other players, so then basically I’d give up destiny and all the stuff I would have grinded out or basically have the only fun in destiny 2 to be taken away, and if I do get a permanent ban, what would be the point of playing the game anymore?
[quote]It’s just not just pvp, any sort of matchmaking against other players[/quote] Which is exactly what pvp (player versus player) is! You could still play strikes, raids, nightfalls, etc...just not anything where you go compete against another human player.
And gambit, plus if any future pvp activity is released I won’t be able to do it, it also takes away two pinnacle gear chances away which would make it even more stressful
Yes, gambit is considered pvp because you play against other players....never knew I had to be uber-specific when talking about pvp. So, again, you have choice(s) to make in the next 2ish months.
Well I won’t be able to change anything I’m sure if that, so if the worse comes I might leave the game. It’s just sucks to have these taken away when some people not being able to do anything about it plus I have a family member that plays the exact same things, but they’ve yet to get any restrictions. It was fun while it lasted I guess
In short I was falsely restricted with no real reason
I’ve been restricted from matchmaking against other players for the second time, the first time was two weeks and now it’s a two month restriction, but both time there was no lag or delay. This has never happened before and I haven’t moved at all, this season seems to be messing me up the most in all my time in destiny 2 especially after grinding for felwinters and not being able to use it in any pvp for 2 months, if someone can help or look into this that would be amazing
Do you work for bungie?
No, mentors are people who volunteer their time to help. We’re chosen by Bungie to answer questions and guide users.
I have been Beavered at least 10 times a night for weeks now. When and how will this issue be resolved? I have FIOS hardwired connection, so do my friends, yet this is happening to them as well. It is becoming unplayable for many, many people. There has to be some transparency on the issue of mass disconnects since the server change. Stop focusing on new content that is half baked (sun-setting armor for instance) and solve these disconnect issues please. We are spending money on a game where our issues and concerns are not heard.
I’ve been back into destiny for a while now but after D1, I went to Xbox for a while, and then switched back and cross saved my progress to PlayStation. Noticed here recently I don’t have any of the “veteran” emblems from on my PlayStation account but I know for sure this is the one I played D1 on. Any info on how I could get them for my collection?
Hello! I am wondering if it is possible to reclaim season pass armour? Deleted the lvl 37 seraph gauntlets in the season pass with the 67 stat roll for my titan. Accidently deleted them and really would appriciate if i can get them back!! Best regards from a destiny nerd
Hi there! No, it is not possible. Once an item has been deleted, there is no way to recover it. [quote]Whether due to accidental deletion or unauthorized account access, Bungie does not recover manually deleted characters or items, and does not replace in-game items that are lost or dismantled. Bungie does not provide the following services: Restoration of deleted characters[/quote] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/help/article/12211]More information[/url]
Is there any way to transfer my Destiny 2 characters from one Xbox live account to another Xbox live account? My brother and I have always shared our Xbox account, but I'd like to start using my own now that I'm going to college, and I'd like to have my Destiny characters on my new Xbox profile.
Unfortunately this is not possible.
I play on Xbox and I did the guardian games ghost quest from Eva and got a message talking about a guardian games box that you could use a code for. Whenever I try to go to bungie rewards for more information its a 500:internal server error. I'm not sure if its just my connection or an actual server error. on the page where you could preorder the guardian games box it says that I would have claim the reward code so if any of you know what might be happening I would really appreciate that.
I did the 75 motes with out loosing any I got 76 and it didn't give me the triumph for it it's the last thing I need too get the dredgend title I've been working so hard to get this please help