Bungie does not have a customer service email or phone. If you have questions regarding in game issues, technical troubleshooting, or anything else, please feel free to ask.
Do you have the class item equipped?
So which medal quest are you trying? Which location are you doing it in?
Its the one where you have to kill combatants in any forge
Ok. I don’t see any forge attempts in your recent history. Which forge were you in?
I haven't been able to play the game for almost 2 months Watercress keeps popping up with no answer ever I've tried to contact left messages on these forms nothing
This is an error code that Bungie is [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/255429769?sort=0&page=0]currently investigating[/url] but don't currently have a resolution to yet. They know it's a result of having too many "player sessions" opened. This basically means that when you quit Destiny 2, your session for that time played should go away, but this doesn't happen on Xbox. Unfortunately, there is not currently an ETA on a fix
Please let me know if there is ANY way that we can bring back trials of Osiris back to destiny 1
Unfortunately it is not possible.
How can I fix the issue with my shadowkeep not registering that I have it. I've beaten the campaign, have exotic rocket launcher, completed lore, have a sparrow from that expansion, etc.
If this content was purchased using the same account you are attempting to play with, please try restoring your licenses. https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12181
I did that, still nothing. I had to repurchase it. I can't use my sparrow because it's telling me I need the pre order. I've already purchased the pre-order and could play rise of iron... I purchaded it again because it seems not one person can help me. I'm clearly frustrated. I've supported you guys and all I'm asking for is some support back. My gamertag is Mr_G-CoMmAnDeR.
What you are dealing with is a licensing issue. The best way to fix it is by dealing with the store support. They not only control all licenses but they can see your account's purchase history so the can make sure you are being properly credited with the licenses your account should have.
The store support of bungie or Playstation? I've gone into my ps4 and restored the license. I will look into it. Truly hope this works and not be yanked around.
PlayStation controls the licenses
Okay, will keep you informed. Thank you for the help thus far.
Couldn't play*
I just recently hopped back on Destiny 2, and realized that I could not launch any shadowkeep missions. I already beat the shadowkeep campaign and even have the exotic rocket launcher, but now the game is saying that I don't have the expansion. Please fix this. My psn is SuPErMaNiaC101
I just got restrictioned from PvP for 2 months and was wondering if anyone can help because that is half of the game gone for me , and now I can’t get my flawless title 😢#someonepleasehelp!!
I had the rise of iron DLC but it's telling me that I haven't purchased it. How is that when I've played it, purchased it, earned trophies for it, got a sparrow from it, etc? I'm a bit frustrated with this. I took a few years off of the game and come back to it telling me this. Please help.
I keep getting bans for getting booted from comp
I accidentally abandoned The Who are you quest for the drifter and can’t get it back if anyone can help please do
I bought Destiny 1 with all the DLCs up to the taken king and for some reason I don’t have access to any DLCs. How can this be fixed
Can you explain more what you mean by you can't access?
I just bought the season pass. I was looking for the in rides a pale horse quest but did not receive it. I did have all 30 quest slots taken but after dismantling some, I still did not get a notification for that quest. Anyone know how to help me?