I'm Pretty Sure This Is Everyone...
Cayde 6 as Cayde
Ikora, the warlock lady as Ikora
Awoken Nightfall quest leader guy as Zavala
Amanda da ship nerd as Amanda Holiday
Some Clean Up Robots as Some Clean Up Robots
Old post master from D1... Wait... He's not in D2... Uhmmmm...
New postmaster as new postmaster...?
Old blue lady who owns a secret room on the farm as Tyra Karn
Shader Grammy as Shader Grammy
Emu as dead orbit man
Lunch eat as future war cult man
Some lady looking man as red and white person leader
Bird Lady As Hawthorne
Randal As A Vandal
Tentacle the hoarder as Xur
Gary as Ghaul
That old speaker as the consul
And drumroll please..........
That weird ghost less exo girl that follows you around and gives you the strangers rifle as... The exo stranger!
You mean Johnny 5 as Cayde-6.