On August 8th to the 28th, the Summer Games event from last year will return to Overwatch!
Items available in the event last year will be made available again this year, and there will also be a few new items this year, including skins for Junkrat and Mercy (2 things mentioned but not shown in the video).
Now, normally in an event, the highest rarity skins cost 3000 coins. But for the items returning from last year, items will cost regular price! So the highest rarity items will cost 1000 coins, purple raritiy items 250 and so on!
Lucioball will also be returning with a new arena and some gameplay changes. There will also be a competitive Lucioball season to play in if you so choose, that will last through the entire event.
Get hype \(^~^)/
Am I the only one super excited for the new Mercy skin? Jeff himself said it was probably his favorite in the game. And if you disagree with Jeff, you have to wrestle him. [spoiler]The luckiest seven you will ever meet[/spoiler]
Still won't change the fact that the game is awful
I'm glad we can actually purchase the items now... Last year I grinded out 35-38 loot boxes solely for the red Mercy skin. I barely got anything besides Dva's skin and McCree's skin.
With Lucio's new changes throughout the year, I wonder how Lucio ball will be affected
Swear to god if I don't get that red mercy skin again...
*down votes
Edited by Puckish Rogue: 8/3/2017 3:03:40 AMDoes anyone know if you can the player icons that you get for events because I'm thinking about selling my Xbox version and getting it for ps4 but want to know if I can get everything back.
Gotta give this event a go. I missed last year's event.
You forgot to mention the new Mcree skin
I sincerely hope Competitive Lucioball does well. It's an interesting concept.
So getting the mccree american skin, and a rein skin if he gets one. And hopefully the mercy skin.
I've never experienced LucioBall, but I hope this bug doesn't come back.
Edited by Psyntifik: 8/2/2017 2:12:55 PMNot a fan of the Zarya skin, though, and Zarya is the only good character.
Bikini mercy skin hype
Too bad I hate overwatch now. It just got waaaaaaay too repetitive Which is sad because I loved the game in launch day :/
Lucioball was extremely boring, but happy with the skins with updated loot